Sunday, July 8, 2018

Red Russian Kale ~ Randomness

Red Russian Kale was the first kale for us to plant at our homestead and is still the one I like to plant.  

Did you know that one serving contains 206% of vitamin A, 134% of vitamin C, 296 mg of potassium, 9 % of calcium, 2 grams of protein, and 7% iron?  According to the facts I'm reading.

Unfortunately, due to hot temperatures despite rain, we have very little of it this year.  Our hot banana peppers are very small, and the plants we put in late, are not growing fast enough.  The hot banana peppers I picked the other day were only about 1 1/2 inches long.   They were turning orange too.

On a funny note, one of the kids dumped a strainer full of pumpkin seeds into the yard next to the garage (didn't want to take them to compost nor to the chickens...lazy kids).  Guess what's growing next to my garage?  Pumpkins.  Pie pumpkins. 

Someone please help me find the humor in this.  It looks smaller in the photo, than it really is - one tomato patch.  

I spent 3 hours un-burying them, and had to stop due to the heat.  I got about 80-90% un-buried, and Hubby is weed whacking in between, so I can stake them.  I tried to tell him we have to stake when we plant and he disagreed.  Not anymore.  There's about 80-90 tomato plants in there.

So...if there was a year I would say "I'm not planting a garden" it would have been this year.

And...if you think you have weeds bad, just come back to visit my blog.  It's a jungle of a mess, and we've already him-hawed on mowing the damn thing down this year.

Yesterday, Youngest was off camping, riding roller coasters and swimming, so there was inside work for me to do too - laundry, dishes, trash, etc.  There was spearmint iced tea to make, dinner to make, and make more dirty dishes.


  1. I'm planting kale soon, it's one of my favourites.
    Did you plan out your homestead or did it just evolve naturally? I'm struggling with my plans!

  2. Oh my, your tomatoes. I've been there! This has been one of the rare years where I actually got mine mulched, and staked, and tied up! Next year, how knows! Interesting about the kale. I've always planted Siberian Dwarf because it has such a nice flavor. I'll have to try the Red Russian this fall.

  3. Yarrow, I planted it in a raised bed. I do have to water it often, but it does well.

  4. Leigh, weeds have been a huge problem this year.


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