Thursday, July 5, 2018

Weeds ~ Raccoons

Hubby and I spent the 4th working.  He mowed (which is still not done), and I weeded.  I got a dent into it anyway.  It was a high of 92°F and a higher heat index - hot, hot, and hot.  Rain is in the forecast today again too.  

Hubby was the first to try out my homemade Aloe-Plantain cubes for sunburn relief too.  He said it felt great and this morning he's not complaining.

We've started on restocking our split wood again.  There was a dent made into that job too on the 4th.  We retired early, and put the last air conditioner in finally.  Whew!

As far as handiwork goes, I managed to finish up a pot holder set.  I had to stick with small projects on my humid porch.  We've even put a fan out there now.
More clean up jobs await, but it's all about when Hubby has the time, and it's not so hot.  

About 7pm, I was in my cozy air conditioned bedroom crocheting and waiting on Hubby to get home, and I saw a raccoon walk past the doors.  I got up and took a look-see and there were two raiding the mulberry tree.  My camera steamed up with the heat, but you can see the one still in the tree.  Odd to see them out when the sun is still up, but now I'll have to keep an eye on my berry bushes and apple tree.  Time to put up baffles I guess.

After some touch and go with Youngest, she has impressed us lately.  She is helping more around the house, and she even volunteered to go lock up my hennies for the night (which she hates to do).  I hope it continues.  We have much indoor cleaning to do yet.

It sure feels like a Monday today.  Even though we worked our bum off yesterday.  Next weekend, it looks like we'll cool down finally.  


  1. I had a quiet 4th but worked inside not out. I can't take the heat like I used to. Glad you had some AC to come into! I love your pot holders especially the edging you did. How did you do that? They're really pretty and that edging sets them off just perfectly!

  2. Sam I Am, thanks. Yes, I edged them with some "twist" colored yarn I had on hand.

  3. You've got it right that it seems like a Monday today! We were thrown off the first of the week also. May take us another week of "regular" days to get back on track!

    Although we haven't had near the amount of rain as you have, we've been getting a bit. We needed it though. Today promises to be clear so I'm going to plan on putting in a full, full day in the garden. More rain coming for us this weekend, but I should be able to get a bit done before then.

    Good for your youngest daughter stepping up to the plate! (Maybe she likes being the only chickie at home!)

  4. Mama Pea, I wish I could be outside all day to work, but the heat is awful, and humidity is miserable. Youngest misses the company of her siblings, but loves having a bathroom to herself, ha ha!

  5. Yes, it's so hot! Will be glad when fall arrives. I'm trying really hard to enjoy the summer, but this heat makes it almost impossible! Love the pot holders! Very nice! Blessing to you and yours! <3

  6. Rebecca, you are right about the heat. Oye. Thank you for the nice compliment on my pot holder set.

  7. We long for summertime all winter long, and then it comes in and fries us, LOL.

  8. Yes, it's hot hot hot here too, and gnatty. (Is that spelled right?) Our problems are gnats and possums. The possums I tolerate. The gnats, even the dog hates 'em.
    Anyway, we had a spit of rain this afternoon, and I'm grateful for it because things were beginning to parch.
    Don't do much sitting outside right now, cause it's too danged gnatty? LOL
    Just been taking my pain meds as directed, napping often (via meds) and trying to catch up the rest of the time.
    As for my rose garden...
    It's disappeared in weeds taller than me. :(
    I wish a magic fairy would come sneak in at night and weed it for me.
    Oh well...
    Prayers everyone had a great 4th of July, and a safe one too.
    Prayers for the days ahead for us all. We never know what's coming, so never miss a chance to tell those you love how you feel about them.
    Feel like it's time for another nap.
    God bless.

  9. Connie, this is definitely a difficult summer.

  10. RB, my rose bed is the same way - weeds taller than the roses. Yesterday it was too hot and humid to sit outside even with a fan on. Sigh.


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