Monday, July 9, 2018


We worked on the tomato patch all morning Sunday, and it's still not done.  And it was also a load, unload, and reload day.  We have one more load to pick up.

Thanks to my younger brother, we have a good start on wood (or will - one more load to pick up).  He cut some trees down, even borrowed our splitter and had it already for us to pick up.  Woohoo!

Both of us were exhausted last night.  Definitely a good sleep night.

I even got another 1/2 cup of red raspberries in the freezer.

Today it will be another hot one.  It's outside I go, early today.  I have a full truck load of wood to unload, tomatoes to stake and tie up, more weeding, and of course inside work.


  1. Wood, wood, wood! That's on our schedule for this week here on our little homestead. Also, hot, humid, muggy, buggy weather seems to be the order of the day. (Do I really like summer time?) The problem in getting out early while it's still relatively cool for us here is that the no-see-ums have been vicious until about 9 a.m. Then, of course, it starts to get uncomfortably warm for doing anything physical. Working decked out in long sleeves and a head net is not my idea of fun, but I'd be drained of blood and a hysterical itching mess otherwise. Oh well, could be worse, right?

    Here's hoping you can get those tomaters under control this week. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Mama Pea. I'm unloading an even fuller load of wood this morning, and it's hot already.

  3. First of all let me say how much I love your "wish list" off to the side of your blog. And yes, exhausting days for sure. In the midst of our homestead we are putting up produce and tearing down a 150 yr house old house on our property. Exhausted but productive, it's the homesteaders motto.

  4. Donna, thank you! Yes, it's exhausting work, yet productive. I just hope we get a good harvest. We are still cleaning up an old barn we took down a few years ago. There is always a job needing done around here.


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