Thursday, June 7, 2018

Till Man

The rain finally gave us a break and a chance for my "Till Man" to till.  I got more planting done too.  The earliest seeds we planted in May are already producing.  My hot banana pepper plants have pretty good size peppers on them now.

Check it out!  We finally have apples on one of our apple trees.  Our cherry tree died last winter, so I'll replant one next spring.  The plum looks terrible, so I'll whip up some neem spray and give that a try.  It still has fungus.  No peaches this year.  I'll have to be prudent with pruning this fall.

Radishes and garlic scapes are rolling in now.   I had good intentions to blanch and freeze the radish greens, but the ants ate holes all over in the leaves (boo hoo!).

We  will be enjoying some garlic scape and radish spread on some crackers too.  Yum.  Love it!

Shy of a row of wax beans, I have the green beans in and the kale planted, but there are a few more seeds and plants to get in.  Between weather and Hubby's work schedule, it's been an hit and miss garden year.


  1. Those radish look tasty. It is an hit and miss garden year here too.

  2. mamsmercantile, the french breakfast radishes are our favorite. We eat them straight from the garden.

  3. Your garden is coming along wonderfully. You are a head of us, but ours is growing by leaps and bounds. All we need is a couple more weeks of warm weather and we can start eating from the garden :)
    Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog and for your lovely blogging friendship.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Connie :)

  4. We're behind you, that's for sure. I'm looking forward to scapes here, too, as I love garlic scape pesto!!!

  5. Connie, thank! We are getting more rain tomorrow, so it's inside for me for a few days (again). But...that's not all bad either. Lots to get done.

  6. Susan, yum! I don't think I've made pesto with them for a few years. Good idea.

  7. Gracious! Your garden is doing very well there. Many farmers down here only got their crops in within the last month due to excess wetness, and many farmers west of us lost most of their crops once they did get them in due to heavy rains last couple of weeks.
    Been a tough year for rains down here, but maybe it's something we'll be grateful for with the farm ponds and lakes full come July/August.
    God bless.

  8. RB, farmers have the same issues here with rain too, and more is coming.


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