Friday, June 8, 2018

Random Tidbits

I've had a few morning visitors lately.  We've been watching them every morning and evening.  Almost every other day we see a group of them on the move, looking for food and water.

Morning visitors another day.  There was about a dozen of them, just hanging out at one of the barns.

Is anyone else suffering from "there are not enough hours in the day" as I am?  I have so much to get done, and regular chores like laundry, bathrooms, floors, rugs, dusting.....all takes time.

Everything in the herb garden is ready to harvest already.  It's felt sort of backwards with the vegetable garden going in so late.  The pros of all this rain?  I've only had to water a few things so far.

The house is in disarray, but a happy disarray.  Much is being pulled out of storage, or rooms, and re-homed, put out or taken to the thrift.  Even some up for sale.

I got meatballs restocked finally.  

The garlic scape and radish spread has been a delight to have for snacks.  Yum. 

I'm already hearing from the kids and about their new apartment.  It needs some decor, some are arguing, some are bored.  Ha ha!  Once we move more for them, they'll hopefully be settled in.  I can't wait to see the dogs again.

Send up prayers and good thoughts today.  It's 11:15am, and I'm still in my jammies.  I got up with Hubby to watch the sunrise and sip a cup of java, but went straight back to bed.  I have a tickle in my throat and a cough.  It's a mullein tea/tincture kind of day, and I plan on getting rid of it quickly.  I found out that Youngest's friend that was over was sick when she stayed and then a daughter came over who was sick and with plain worn out from bike week, I think I over did it.  Weed pesto is planned for dinner too.  Gotta get that healing food in me today.

I got through winter and spring without one sinus infection, so here's to kicking this in the rump today....and yes I'll be resting today.  Dirty dishes will sit.  Sweet potatoes will go unplanted (maybe) and floors will stay dirty for a day.  My health is more important than a clean house.


  1. Hope you feel better soon and yes I feel much the same as you...there is NOT enough hours in the day.

  2. Beautiful pictures. Every time Bro Tom sees crows, he says, "It's up to something" because crows have a habit of having a watch-out while others look for something to eat or get into, and that's fairly true.
    Sounds like the kids are trying to work out "pecking order." Wonder who will win. LOL
    It's been hot and dry here lately. That's ok. After all the rain we had, the farmers need a little break to catch up to their chores.
    Allergy season here. Neighbor has 4 beautiful blooming magnolias. Need I say more. LOL
    Other than that, all else is the same. Still in pain. Next visit at the VA is 6/18. Hope to get something good that actually works.
    Prayers everyone has a great weekend, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  3. Just catching up on some blog reading Kristina - and sending healing thoughts your way as well. It's hard to slow down and take care of ourselves.

  4. I haven't seen you comment on your dogs lately. Just wondering if you still have them.

  5. Debby, you are right about trying to slow down. We have to have someone encourage us. Thank you!

  6. Sherri, when our 18 year-old lived here, she became attached to the dogs and they slept with her. She moved out with her older brother and one sister, and took the dogs with her, and old man Jesse went with one daughter there too. We are currently dog-less and working on a plan for a dog fence to put one or two back on the homestead. I'm already looking at rescues.

  7. Debby, crows here keep the hawks away, but it's unusual to see so many vultures. They were back last night and Hubby said it "creeps" him out, ha ha!


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