Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Making Dirty Dishes

I don't know what I was thinking.  I had plans to clean a bathroom, muck the coop, do more decluttering. . . I managed to walk the box of borax to the bathroom though, and dug a few plastic storage drawers from the barn and washed them up. . .

. . . being lazy, I skipped my work out (the horror!) after all my him-hawing, and baked a sweet potato/black bean frittata with dandelion greens.

(not the best rise, because I forgot to add the butter and added it last - edible, but not the best)

Then I thought that wasn't enough, so I whipped up some bread dough and made a loaf.

While that was doing it's job of rising and baking, the crazy nut I am, whipped up some blueberry muffins.

I also decided to wash the baby bonnets and misc. stuff.  I washed another load of shirts too.  Put those on the line after the rain stopped.

And if that isn't enough dirty dishes for the day, I took a tea break on the porch, and while the rising was going on decided to cook some bacon.  I had him-hawed on dinner, and came up with a plan.

I always cook my potatoes, carrots and onions in a second crock pot when I cook a roast in another.  I always cook too many veggies, and only had a tiny sliver of roast left.  I boiled up the last (very last) bag of frozen garden green beans, and add them, and the cooked bacon to the potato mix.  Wa-la!  Dinner. 

Then I sat there staring at all those dirty dishes.  Well, Hubby will have breakfast, snack and dinner to take to work, and bread to toast with home canned jam/jelly too.


  1. Oh I wish you would have given us the recipe for your fritata. My Grandmother used to cook with dandelion greens, but I have never tried them. At least that I remember, but I have been reading about how good they are for you. Grandma kept a fenced in area where the greens grew wild and the dogs and other animals could not get to them.
    I love trying new recipes especial when I know that they have great health values.
    Have a sweet day.
    Connie :)

  2. Connie, I didn't have a recipe for this one, I sort of threw it together on a whim. As for the dandelion greens, I blanch them and freeze them in pint bags, so when I use them I wilt them down in water and salt and pepper. I let them cool, squeeze the water out of them, and sprinkle into the eggs. For the frittata I just diced up a sweet potato and red onion, tossed in some oil and my "Full Throttle" spice mix, added a drained can of organic black beans and added them last, poured the eggs in and then the greens. I typically add some homemade yogurt to my eggs vs. milk too. Bake in a cast iron pan at 375°F for about 20 minutes or until done. Hope that helps.

  3. That frittata looks so delicious! I have to remember to gather up some dandelion greens while they are still rampant. I like your idea of adding yogurt vs. milk. Thanks to my Instant Pot, I can now make a half-gallon of yogurt at a time! It's amazing how fast dirty dishes can stack up, isn't it?

  4. Susan, the frittata was delicious. Yes, I can stack up those dirty dishes fast on a good cooking/baking day. That's great about the instant pot!


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