Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Random Blabbering

Good morning blog land.  It's raining again here.  Just as predicted.  

We were up at the crack of dawn (5:30am).  Watched the sun rise, and the rain come down.  I spent the entire day washing up baby clothes yesterday, and practically didn't get garden work done.  I also started cleaning out my bedroom closet, which has been a yearly start and quick end.  This year may be the year it finally gets the way I want it.

Hubby came home feeling sickly, so he didn't till.  It was his first day back to work after his relaxing vacation, and I'm sure he didn't enjoy it.

I'm inside until the rain stops.  There are so many people, in our parts, that are behind in getting their garden in.

I've had my homesteading journal out, waiting to be updated for days now.  I guess today's the day to get that done and back on the shelf.

I've been getting visits from our 18 year-old daughter, while she's moving her belongings out.  She has been sickly too, and came to get mullein for tea, and left without it.  I felt bad for her, but she may be back today for it.  Funny how a few of my kids come to me for teas like that.  

She also opens the fridge and says, "you got any food?"  And she also leaves her dirty dishes on the counter.  Kids!

Although the garden work is slowly behind, I've managed to pack up a good amount of items to haul to the thrift store.  I'm sure it will grow in size by the time I take it.

It surely feels strange not to have a dog around now.  I am not ready to get another just yet.  We need to plan better for it, and have the cash-o-la for it - kennel, dog food bowls, collar, shots, license, fencing for he/she....etc.  I think we have agreed on the breed we want, we just want to make sure it has a place to romp and play outside while I'm doing laundry and garden work.

Well, I've blabbered on enough this morning, procrastinating. I hope your day is fantastic!


  1. I have a feeling you won't entirely have an empty nest - you are too good of a mom for them to not be stopping by for your great food and healing powers! I can't imagine being without a dog. That said, there are times when the thought of not tripping on dog toys, not having to race home every night and actually getting a weekend away is very tempting.

  2. I couldn't go to long without dogs in the house! But they can be expensive that's for sure. Good for you to be prepared before getting one!

  3. Susan, I miss the dogs when I drop ice on the floor, lol! They would come running to eat it. Now if I do I have to pick it up, or it melts and I have a slippery floor to walk on. As for the kids, it's nice to know they can get a good meal here, but I am sure they won't be cooking healthy at their apartment.

  4. Rain, it's the first time to be without any dogs. There are pros and cons for sure.


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