Monday, June 4, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  Hubby's vacation days are over now, so it's back to reality for the both of us.  Although we had lots of fun, we still did some garden and yard work.  The truck is now fixed, and we the new bumper and hitch is already planned, but first we need it for some work this week.  A biker friend we ride with is making the new bumper for us soon, and we already have the hitch (I see camping in the near future).

We have most of the 109 tomato plants planted.  We got our 53 jalapeno plants in, even though it was a swamp out there.  Just getting by one day at a time right now. More rain tomorrow.

School is out for our youngest, so we've spent some time with her over Hubby's vacation days.  Hubby and I have spent much time on the porch, making summer plans, adding to the "to-do" list, financial planning, possible future dog planning, and so forth.  The porch is now popping with color, and it's a happy place for us.

We dug out his radio I bought him over 11 years ago, and finally put it to use.  He loves Coco-cola and good ol' USA stuff, so the front porch now has the radio mounted, and a Coco-Cola clock that lights up.  We still have some items to put out like our bench, but it's coming along nicely and a great way to relax after (or during) a work day (which is now about every day).

On the breakfast plate. . .
At this point it'll be brunch.  I haven't eaten anything today yet.
Right now I am. . .
Trying to will myself to get through this day.  I miss my Hubb's company.

On my reading pile . . .
Nothing.  The local newspaper pretty much, until we see the article they are putting in for Hubby's sister's 70's birthday party we held for her.  

On my TV. . .
Just about nothing.  We've been too tired at the end of the day to turn it on.  We simply hang out on the porch or back swing, and enjoy the evening out there until we convince each other to go to bed.

On the menu. . .
Today - organic roast, potatoes, carrots, onions
Tuesday - leftovers
Have no clue the rest of the week.  

The weather outside is . . .
Beautiful.  Started at about 60° and will be about 73° and sunny.

What I am crocheting, knitting, sewing or creating. . . 
A lot of unfinished projects are not the hooks and needles, but there is no handiwork going on right now.  The focus is the garden and when I can't plant or weed, it's "operation bedroom closet, garage and utility room."

On the to-do list . . .
-wash a ton of old baby clothes and get them on the line, and then haul them out.  With two new babies in the family they are sure to find a new home
-work on bedroom closet, decluttering, organizing etc.
-dinner in the crock pot
-prepare an oil to infuse
-drain some jars of infusions
-till, plant, till, plant.....
-muck the coop
-deadhead flowers, weed beds
-harvest more nettle
-work on  barn debris
-run over to my younger brother's and split wood for him and us
-move a truck load to the kids apartment (kitchen table, bed, dresser, bookshelves, and anything else that will fit)
-deliver truck to get the new bumper and hitch put on 

Looking forward to this week . . .
Getting the entire garden in, getting a rewarding bike ride afterwards, and hopefully a much cleaner homestead, inside and out.

Looking around the house . . .
Bliss.  I miss the kids, but I do not miss the messes.

From the camera. . . 

....and that's just the start.  I have a few more loads, bonnets, booties, bibs, and misc. to wash up yet.

Bible Verse, Devotional, Quote. . .
Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffett


  1. Great minds think a like . . . I started my post with my cloth-line, too :) 109 tomatoes, wow!!!
    Have a sweet week.
    Connie :)

  2. There is NOTHING like baby clothes on the line, oh my goodness, I am in love!!!

  3. Hi Kristina :) the photos are lovely of the wash on the line! You have lots of tomatoes planted, that's great. I only have under 30 plants and they are SLOWLY growing. Sorry you miss the hub's company, but how nice that you didn't even go near the television and spent some nice time together! :)

  4. I LOVE your pictures of baby clothes. They are so adorable. So nice that you have others in the family that can use them.

    Sounds like a busy week - hope you get all done that you want to. ENJOY your wonderful weather.

  5. I love to see the laundry line! My, you will have a BIG garden. Have fun and enjoy :)

  6. Joanna, there are some really cute outfits on the line today.

  7. Rain, we were so tired most days we just felt we'd fall asleep with the TV on, ha ha!

  8. Thank you Tamy, hope your week is awesome too!

  9. Luludou, now that that we only have one kiddo living here, we should be able to stock up some veggies for 2 years. I'm hoping anyway.

  10. So jealous of your garden! And look at all those cute baby clothes!! Hope your week has gone well!

  11. Jodi, I'm going to encourage my kids to grow some herbs and veggies in pots at their apartment. We love our garden bounty, but it is work too. Hope your week is wonderful too.

  12. Beautiful clothesline photos! Hope your garden grows well and that you have a fantastic weekend.


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