Saturday, June 2, 2018

This and That

Although it's rained here quite a lot, we've seen some very beautiful sunrises while sipping hot coffee on the porch.

We've also watched the deer near sunset. 

These two were slowly eating their way over to water.  Porch time has helped us make some plans for the homestead, so here's hoping for a progressive summer.

The rain has made it nearly impossible to get the rest of the garden tilled so I can plant.  We've piddle-dinked around getting other work done though.  We had a 70th birthday party (Hubby's sister) to attend, and other events. We have more this coming events.  Last night we were him-hawing over which place and where to ride, but my inner-self wanted to really stay home.  We did, and thankfully we did.  Out of no where it, when the weather was looking good and no rain in the forecast, it poured down and got very windy.

While helping Hubby replace the brake handle on the Harley, I happened to glance up and see some lost or hidden treasures in the garage.  I hope to have photos to share of the front porch.  We've finally, after 11 years or more, opened some boxes and are using those treasures.  As the kids move more items from the homestead, we are seeing things we haven't seen for a long time.

I have started to clean out the kitchen and fill a box of goodies for the kids moving out too.  It's nice to wake up to a clean house.  I miss them, but I don't miss their messes. One stopped in the other day, and got herself a late lunch.  She left all the condiments on the counter, dirty dishes on the counter.....yeah, I don't miss the messes and the laziness.  Hopefully they will learn on their own, to clean up after themselves in their own place.

I feel incomplete without the garden work, so today I hope to get out there and at least get some pepper plants in the ground.  We went from sweltering heat yesterday to a cook 60°F this morning.  I have to say, it feels great.

We have managed to keep the house cool with one small air conditioner upstairs and simply a fan downstairs.  I finally broke down and purchased a dehumidifier for part of the house too.

Our youngest is taking driver's ed now.  She's the last to learn, and hopefully driving on her own soon.  It's another $300.00 out of the pocket book, but she'll be more independent and hopefully have a car of her own sooner than later.  With living in the boonies, it's a lot to run her back and forth to her friends events and so forth.  She's also wanting to get a part time job.  We are very proud of her.

Have a great weekend!

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