Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Broody Hen

There is no way I'm catching up on the weeds too soon.  No way.  The peas will just have to learn to live with their neighborly weeds this year.  Or at least until I can get things tidy again.  And that may take the rest of the summer, so it may not happen.  It's very wet out there yet, and there are a lot of weeds.

I have a very broody hen this year.  First time ever. I've let her sit on her egg(s), but I need advice from you all.  What do I do when the egg (if it does) hatch?  Do I take the chick from her and bring it in with a heat lamp?  Or do I separate her and the chick and leave here out in the second coop?  Would love to get your input on this.  This is the first time for this to happen for us, and it would be neat to see nature in progress.

What 5:30am looks like from our place this morning.  Another beautiful day.  Here's hoping I get another section of garlic weeded.  Yesterday it took me three trips to clean up my giant weed piles just from one variety of garlic.


  1. Leave the chick(s) with her. Both of them will be happier and healthier! If you have a place, you certainly could separate them from the rest of the chickens, but we let mama and babies stay right with everyone else. We don't have any problem with other chickens or ducks or geese "bothering" the new arrivals, but everyone has plenty of room in our poultry yard. Also, we find it's so beneficial for mama and babies to have access to the outside during the day (rather than being shut up in an enclosure). Mama teaches the little ones what to eat (green grass, bugs, worms, etc.) to grow healthy and strong. (And you don't have to purchase chick starter!)

    Good luck and I hope your broody hen has a successful hatch!

  2. I always leave the chick with the mama.

  3. Thanks Mama Pea and Granny. We'll see what happens.

  4. I agree with everyone. I have just let hen and chick stay together and the rest of the flock usually ignores them completely. Also, the mother is highly protective and no one seems willing to take her on! They usually grow to be the healthiest chickens I have ever had, too.

  5. Thanks Susan, she has not left her roost for a few weeks now.

  6. Weeds, what're weeds? LOL
    There's good advice for FeatherMoms like you (and I) at Backyard Chickens. Generally, i the coop the mom is in is safe, you'd leave them together in it. If it's not, you'd move them to a safe location until the chick is nearly full grown and able to fly to safety.
    Diabetes has started whipping my behind, so I'm dealing with a new diet here, close to Atkins really. Can't eat pasta (or any carbs) any more :o(, so I looked around at our store and found some real god-awful sounding carb free pasta made of tapioca. It looks awful, but when you mix it with stuff, it takes on their flavor because it has none of its own really. I mix it with steamed mixed vegies and call it Primavera (which I'm sure would make an Italian Mama shudder). LOL
    Dr. stepped up pain meds. Now I'm "nearly" pain free (until the meds start wearing off), but in a fog. It's always something, isn't it.
    Prayers everyone has a great week.
    Love you.
    God bless.

  7. RB, thanks for the advice on the hen. I sure hope you can find some tasty carb free food. I love using our Einkorn flour, but it's expensive and it has to be ordered online. Glad you are almost pain free too. Hugs.


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