Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Radish Hashbrowns

New for me to try - Radish Hash Browns.  Just brown the edges of some onion in butter, then add radishes.  Cook until soft on the inside. Cover if necessary, add salt and pepper, thyme and paprika.

The taste test results?

These were incredibly good.  I think I cooked them about 10 minutes (were not done before that so I put a lid on them, then added the spices and cook a bit more.  I only made enough for 3 people and could have eaten these for breakfast, they were that tasty.  I'll be planting more french breakfast radishes next year (it's what I used for this).  I'm betting any variety of radish would taste good this way.  My cherry belle should be about ready to harvest in a few days too.

Guess what's back this morning?  The rain.  In full force too.  Sigh.  I didn't get all of my garlic weeded, but 3/4ths of it is.  The Russian Creole looks terrible, but not that it's weeded it should recover I hope.  Some were flooded out, but I'll take what we get.  

The popcorn and pumpkins are sprouted, so I'm thrilled, but one row of wax beans looks iffy.  I'll fall plant if I need to.

There are deer prints in my pumpkin patch.  I may be getting a dog sooner than later.  We never had a problem until the dogs moved with the kids.  I guess we'll see.  We have lots of work to get done, and I know a puppy needs attention.


  1. Oh no, the deer...we are okay with that particular problem because I don't think they come this far into the village, but I guess with the 3 dogs, we're pretty good at keeping garden eating monsters at bay. Wow...radish hashbrowns...never even thought of that! How very cool, do they lose a bit of their pepperiness in the cooking? I grew some radish last year, but we both found them too peppery for our fragile digestions.

  2. Rain the radishes do not taste peppery at all. It's very good.

  3. We are having issues with rabbits at the moment. Thankfully it is quite hard for the deer to get through the fences we have. I loved both the look and the sound of radish hashbrowns, will be giving that a try.

  4. Thanks mamasmercantile, let me know if you like the radishes. We loved them.

  5. We have been so surprised (pleasantly surprised) that we haven't had a deer problem here. This is the first time that I have heard of cooking radishes. I've also been hearing about people cooking cucumbers . . . they are both news to me. I guess I better get with the times, LOL.

  6. Connie, I have roasted radishes with other veggies too. Very good.

  7. I have roasted Radishes in the oven.
    Try a shelter around you they have great dogs to adopt. I just adopted another sweetheart !

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Thanks angryparsnip. All of our dogs have been rescue dogs. I'd like to get a fence up soon before getting a new one.


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