Monday, June 25, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weekend went by way too fast.  Yesterday flew past.  Hubby had to work, so I did more carpet shampooing, took a short motorcycle ride, and expected more rain.  Thankfully, we didn't get any rain.  Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Strawberry pancakes, coffee

The weather outside . . .
Absolutely gorgeous.  No rain, beautiful sunshine, not too hot either.

On my reading pile . . .
Late library books. Oops.

On the TV . . . 
McCleod's Daughters

On the menu . . .
Have no clue yet, ha ha!  Leftovers tonight and maybe a new radish side dish.

On the to-do list . . .
-muck the coop
-cut garlic scapes
-weed garlic bed (what a mess!!!)
-weed herb garden (another HUGE mess)
-wash down more woodwork
-check the peas
-pick red raspberries

-pick radishes
-weed flower beds (oh my, what a job this will be)
-take trash out

What I am crocheting, knitting, sewing or creating . . .

The ripple crochet blanket is still in progress.  It's the most "current" project, but you know I still have a bunch of half finished projects too.

Looking forward to this week . . .
The weekend.  Although the heat wave returns, I'm still looking forward to it.  They are saying a heat index of 117°F possibly.  

From the camera . . .
This morning's sunrise.  After days and days of rain and clouds, it was just beautiful to see.


  1. I love your harvest pictures - nothing better than eating straight from the garden. I also love your weather! Enjoy it and have a GREAT week.

  2. What a beautiful sunrise! And those red raspberries just make me smile :) My dad used to grow them along our backyard fence, nothing beats eating them freshly picked. Hope you have a great week!

  3. I am so glad you are getting a break from the rain! Aren't the weeds awful this year? Even with our dry weather, the weeds are thriving. I love that blanket - it is going to be beautiful. I'm with you - already looking forward to the weekend!

  4. Thank you Tamy, we hope to enjoy some radishes with dinner tonight.

  5. Thanks Jean, we have wild black raspberries here on the homestead too, along with blackberries.

  6. Susan, we are tickled pink for the rain to stop. It's very wet out there, and the weeds are taller than the plants. I successfully weeded one section of my garlic today, but have two more to go. The thistle in them are terrible this year. Now I can at least see where the scapes are, lol! Thanks for the kudos on the blanket too.

  7. I love the blanket you are making. Lovely pics. Have a great week

  8. I want chickens! Love the photo of your eggs! Looks like you have a great week planned. Love the crochet. I want to get into it again. Sandra inspires.
    I linked at HHM today too. It was nice visiting you.
    Sherry HHM in Texas

  9. Thanks for the visit Grantham Lynn. We had a hot week, but fun too.


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