Friday, April 6, 2018

This and That

Wednesday is snowed here.  Sigh....Mother Nature has to be drunk.  It literally snowed all day and into the night.  Thankfully, there was no snow on the ground Thursday morning, we had less wind, but lots of sun.  It was still cold though.  

I'm getting a bit concerned about this gardening season.  It won't warm up for another week, and then we get an onslaught of rain for days and days.  At this point in April, I should be dehydrating tons of stinging nettle, I should have my peas, potatoes, beets and carrots planted outside.  None of that is happening right now.

Today was my "weigh" day.  I lost 0.8 lbs this week. Not a full pound, but the weight is still coming off, which makes me ecstatic.  I was a bit skeptical, as I did not do a regular workout over last Saturday and Sunday (Easter weekend).  I did however, cut and split wood, and had a busy laundry day that racked me up over 14,000 steps on my fitbit. 

Brushes and combs have been bleached and cleaned - a small job, but a completed one.  Another container of homemade "lysol" wipes have been made.  I know this is mundane information, but there really isn't much going on but chores and deep cleaning. 

I finally got more radish seeds done.  Man, this was a job I did not have patience with.  Most days I wanted help, and a good conversation, but most days everyone was at school or work.  It's not a job where you can sip a hot beverage either.  I got so focused, my tea was cold before I knew it.   

I am super excited for spring weeds, so this winter needs to end and let Spring do it's business.  Golly.  

I made some sunflower seed crisps.  I just rolled this out between pieces of parchment paper and dried them in the dehydrator at 110°F for about 6 hours.  I then just broke the large pieces into small.  Hubby didn't like the miso flavor in it, so I'll have to go back to making the raw vegetable crackers I made before.  Those were crispier and tastier I think.  The same with the seeded crackers with tomatoes we made - crispier, tastier and it made more crackers too.

Sunflower Crisps
2 cups organic sunflower seeds
3 Tbsp (or so) of organic Dandelion/Leek Miso

Process in a food processor until it the seeds are ground and it can easily be pressed together.

Note:  I found this brittle and fell apart too easily.  Not a dipping cracker or a cracker to spread hummus on, but a snack cracker.  I probably won't make the sunflower crisps again, as I think added ingredients in the other recipes help hold the cracker together better.  I tried this recipe because we are out of roasted nuts, and I wanted to rotate my seeds (other than just eating them plain).

I'm brewing up an infused oil for my spider bite scar.  I'm also working up a post to update you and have photos.  It'll be a while before I post though.  The oil has to infuse for several weeks, and I want to try this oil for helping heal the scar more than what I'm using now.  It'll be a not so pretty post, but one that everyone should be aware of - what a spider bite looks like, and how to know when your doctor is an idiot.

There has been some drama (normal family activity) here lately, with our young adults.  Mom and Dad are writing up contracts for them to sign.  Yes we are.  I'll be busy writing them up, right after I finish yoga and exercise this morning.  

This and That © April 2018 by Kristina at


  1. Our spring is late in coming here too in Quebec Canada... My grandma always said not to plant flowers before the 5th of june because of risks of freezing during the night.

  2. Luludou, our cut off date to plant flowers outside is Mother's Day in May, but we can plant peas, potatoes, and root vegetable seeds earlier.

  3. Perhaps Mother Nature needs an intervention. Her drunken self is set to snow on us here in Minnesota over the weekend.

  4. Vicki, snow is expected here again tonight. Ugh.

  5. Seems like everyone's seasonal projects are thrown off this year! You've been productive anyway, which is an inspiration to the rest of us.

  6. Leigh, it has been a strange spring. Thank you.

  7. I am getting impatient for warm enough weather to plant my seeds. Since we are having such an extended season with the cold and some snow, I am hoping we will get some extra time at the end of the growing season to enjoy our gardens.

  8. The ever elusive Spring. The weather worldwide has been really strange, I am so looking forward to getting outside and started on the garden.


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