Monday, April 9, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I'm am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

We have a pretty nice weekend, yet cold.  We had a family wedding to attend, which was held outdoors (yes we froze our bums off, but the sun was out too), cut up more barn wood,  and Hubby got up Sunday morning and cooked me breakfast (even though he had to work nights starting last night).   We actually have started putting wood up (cut and ready) for this next winter.  It's a small start, but a start, and it makes me feel so relieved.  Say a prayer Hubby sticks with it this spring, summer and fall.  He's notorious for putting it off. 

We finally picked up our seed potatoes, although it was "slim pickin's."  No red potatoes this year, just white.  Red hasn't been that great with lasting long without a root cellar or basement, and white does better in my kitchen bin.  We'll see how it goes this year.

My routine will be discombobulated this week. I need to do things backwards, like make a pot of coffee at dinner, which we never do.  I need to make sure something else is leftover for Hubby's lunch too, or more like breakfast.  It's gonna be a crazy week for us.

On the breakfast table . . .

Two eggs over easy, toast with homemade pear butter, coffee, and pomegranate juice.

The weather outside . . .
Woke up to 31°F and snow.  Yes. More. Snow. Just a light snow, but it's all over the vehicles and the ground this morning.  It's cloudy too.

What I am reading. . .
Lots and lots of non-fiction books from the library. Blogs. Cookbooks.

On the TV . . .
Well, it's not so much McCleod's Daughter's and Season 2 of Wildfire this week for myself.  I found a series called Parenthood to watch since Hubby isn't home in the evenings to watch TV with me.

What I'm looking forward to this week . . .
Friday.  Unless Hubby works beyond that, I'm looking forward to him being off night shift.  Although being the Boss for a week will gain him more experience.

My to-do list this week . . .
All depends on what I can do that is quiet.

My menu this week . . .
-miso/chickpea burgers topped with pickles/tomato/lettuce, and steamed fresh broccoli
-organic pork chops/homemade mushroom soup, roasted rosemary potatoes, prosecco/bacon peas
-sheet pan meatloaf with green beans
-Easy "Turkey" casserole (but will use ground beef, onion, home canned tomato sauce, and asparagus)
-homemade pizzas with home canned pizza sauce
-leftovers when needed

New recipe I tried or want to try this week. . .
The Mexican egg/chia recipe is still on my list to try, and now black bean hummus.

If I have time to myelf I will . . .
Probably crochet something or work in on organizing papers I stuffed in my homesteading bookshelf.  I know the second one sounds like work, but I enjoy my homesteading bookshelf. 

What I am crocheting, knitting, sewing or creating. . .
Two different baby blankets, a pot holder set, knitted dishcloth, and a fancy, thin dishcloth.

From the camera . . .
(Hugs and Kisses from the new Mr. and Mrs.)

Bible verse, Devotional, Quote. . .
Image result for get through tough times meme


  1. Good luck with your topsy turvy week ahead! Trying to be quiet during the day is so difficult. I LOVE your inspiration - PERFECT!!

  2. Your menu sounds great! Have a wonderful week

  3. I adore your lifestyle. I also adore the thought of pear butter.
    Have a beautiful week!

  4. Hi Kristina :) Good luck this week, going to a night shift must be tough on everyone. Not exactly the same, but when Alex gets his bouts of insomnia, it's difficult on me too. But then, I'm a stickler for my routines. I like those hugs and kisses! :)

  5. Thank you Tamy, it'll be crazy for sure.

  6. Thank you Joanna, we have a few pear trees and it is delicious.

  7. Rain, we are so close in our relationship, this is hard on both of us. We just keep telling each other we'll get through it together. Thanks.

  8. Good luck with the night shift, hopefully, it will be a smooth transition. A cup of coffee at dinner doesn't sound so bad but probably wouldn't be a great idea for those of us not working the night shift. Hope you have a great week ahead!

  9. Your menu sounds fantastic! I think I tried watching Parenthood once and didn't remember to pick it back up.. is that the one with the Mom from Gilmore Girls? I'm also tired of this endless winter. It's not as cold here as it is at your place, but its still cold and its April and its time for no more cold :(!! I hope you have a good week despite it being crazy!

  10. Working the night shift if rough for sure. Am praying over you and your hubby as you work your way through this crazy week. Love the "Hugs and Kisses from the new Mr. and Mrs"! What a cute idea! Blessings for a great week ahead...despite the night shift! <3

  11. Hello Kristina - just catching up on blog reading, I just don't have the time for it these days! You are so inspiring to me with organization (it's been a while since we have done a weekly menu around here) and making time for your own pursuits too. Spring here in Minnesota is slow in coming too. Hang in there, better days will come!

  12. Hope all goes well for your topsy turvey week.

  13. Working the night shift is never easy, it throws everything up in the air doesn't it?

    Hope your week is not too bad. Love your menu as always, and also love the chicken kitchen towel up top, how cute :)

    Have you watched Heartland? If you enjoy Wildfire and McLeod's daughters, you may enjoy Heartland too.


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