Sunday, March 18, 2018

Ta-Da Moment and Weekend Tidbits

I reluctantly weighed myself Saturday morning.  Even after drinking coffee, the scale made my day!  Ta-Da! I lost 2 lbs. in one week of my changes, and I ate pasta and cheese.  I'm going to keep up with these changes and keep an eye on the scale once a week (maybe, as I don't like to weigh myself).  I am feeling more energetic, and get up earlier vs. lay in bed and him-haw on getting up.  I'll update in a month or so.  Age can be cruel (especially for women), but I do believe in getting natural remedies from real foods/herbs/weeds etc.  

We decided to only make a quick trip to town on Saturday - too many people out drinking and consuming tons of toxic green dye.  Staying home, cutting more wood, was a better choice.  However, that didn't happen.  Hubby got called to work.  

The sun is shining brightly today and it will be warming up a bit.  Not sure what Sunday will bring yet, but have an awesome day where every you are.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.