Saturday, March 17, 2018

A Big (half way) Finish!

Finally done.  

192 granny squares, and 7 years later.....well half of it, one baby blanket and one more to make, ha ha!  192 is a correct completed count, and I used 6 panels of 16 squares to make this blanket.  I decided the entire blanket was too big, and I am making 2 nice sized baby blankets instead.

It took this many years, because I started it for a gift, but soon realized I didn't have enough time to finish it.  I made a granny square stitch blanket instead.  These granny squares went into the closet, which were often forgotten about.  I'd did them out when I cleaned or remembered them, or simply had time to make them.

My "ta-da" moment this week!!!!

The half-way finish!  I am guessing that the squares should have been much smaller.  I used fingerling yarn and a "D" hook, which is pretty small.

They will be forever used if I have grand kids.  These blankets will go in the shrine of blankets here.  Not sold, not given away, but kept here so I can remember why I was crazy enough to attempt such a project (at a busy time in my life).

I had to laugh when I read this on the cover of the pattern book.  It sure was easy to make granny squares, but oh so painfully exhausting to make 196 and then put panels together, then slip stitch the panels together, then sew in ends, and then the edging, and then more ends to sew in.  

It will be a long, long time, before I attempt such a thing. 


I love the final results though.  Very pretty!! 

I learned a lot making this crochet project.  I've done granny square hand towels in the past, but not a blanket/afghan.

-always check my gauge, some squares were large and some small, and about a half dozen were missing the last round, with a few to sew ends in.

-make sure I have enough of the yarn, since it took me way too many years to complete.

What else is news worthy?  The weekend is finally here!!!!!!!

Why are we so ecstatic?

The musical is now preforming - all weekend  Friday, Saturday and Sunday!!!!  

We not only get to see our youngest daughter preform, but we will no LONGER have to pick her up every single night of the week!!!!  She is playing Morticia in the Addams Family musical.  Three months of h-e-ll, but we got through it and now we get to enjoy it!


  1. I love your blanket ... beautiful work! I crochet blankets also. Difficult to do now that arthritis has occupied my hands too. Thanks for sharing!


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