Monday, March 19, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

It's Monday and I'm joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  You know, many years ago, when I attempted to do the cleaning routine from a book author, I revised my own routine.  I can't remember the book, but I signed up for the daily emails and it was very overwhelming.  I got tons and tons of emails on what to clean and organize.  I deleted the program she offered and simply made up my own routine.  

Monday became my "attack it with gusto" day so my week would start out fresh and clean.  So far I've managed most of the my list on Monday.  

Also, here is a cleaning tip:  if I'm taking off for a weekend getaway (which doesn't happen often enough), I clean the bathroom the day before we leave, and finish up laundry.  I I also make sure the kitchen is cleaned up, dishes washed sink empty etc.  When I return, I don't feel like I have jumped back into reality too fast, or add more stress from a chaotic home.

On the breakfast plate . . .

One easy over egg (fresh out fo the coop) on top of cooked steel cut oats, coffee.

The weather outside . . .
Sunny and a possible high of 41°F today.  Yesterday it was a high of 56°F, and Hubby and I stole off on a motorcycle ride before and after the musical.  

What I'm pondering . . .

I've been asked if I'd like to rent a table at another craft show, but I believe I will decline. It's at the same place I did one back in December, and traffic is not that great.  Makes a long day for little sales.  And we are entering gardening season.  I think it's best to just work on items for the fall shows and get my garden in order.  

My to-do list . . . 

Deep Clean:  
Clean out both refrigerators completely (still not done yet)
kitchen bathroom (the kids have not kept it like it should be kept and it's out of control).
wash one more kitchen window (woodwork)
entire front room - top to bottom
...not adding to the list until these are done.

Outdoor on-going work:
rake pine cones and pick up branches (we are getting masses of black birds that are eating the pine cone seeds and I can't have that with a clothesline)
work on barn wood debris
sweep off front porch and get rockers out
muck coop
cut and split wood

Regular to-do's for the week:
make a nettle tea infusion
master bath
water plants
boil eggs/pickle some
finish up the other radish seeds (sort of forgot about it)
write up a list of items needing restocked in the freezer

What I'm reading . . .

nothing right now

On the TV . . . 
Free local channel movies, free DVD movies from the library

On the menu this week . . .
Baked Mac n' Cheese, steamed broccoli
Cauliflower Chowder 
Roast, potatoes/carrots/onion
Cabbage soup or something with cabbage
Salmon, roasted rosemary asparagus 

If I have a few minutes I will  . . .
Take a nap?  Write?  I know it won't be crocheting.  I'm burned out right now.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting, or creating . . .
Current projects:
A knitted dishcloth
A set of pot holders
Embroidered dish towels for one daughter's hope chest
The second granny square baby blanket

New recipe I tried or want to try this week . . .

I made a new salad - Chickpea/Beets/Feta Salad.

It's from "The Better Bean Cookbook" and it is very good.  The photo was taken before I added the beets.  I simply diced the beets and kept them in another bowl to toss on top when we eat it.  That way the salad didn't turn entirely pink.  
It contains:  red onion, red wine vinegar, olive oil and garlic, chickpeas, sesame and fennel seeds, parsley, baby spinach, organic feta cheese, and cucumber.  I cooked the chickpeas a day ahead.  

From the camera . . .

A photo from the musical our daughter played Morticia (The Addams Family) in on Sunday.  They did a great job and it was pretty funny at some points.  I'm told it was the only night they got a standing ovation.  

Bible Verse, Devotional, Quote. . .
"Your worst day can be your best day."  ~ Unknown author, and I am skeptical that this could be true, but you never know.


  1. Great tips! I always put fresh sheets on my bed before I leave for a few days. It's so nice to sink into after I've been away.

  2. The musical seems like fun times! I'd like to know more on the kinds of crafts you do for the faires - it's always interesting to see new crafts.
    Have a great week

  3. Love the photo of the musical cast - professional-looking! I bet you are ALL happy it's over, as I cannot believe they made them rehearse every single night. What about homework? Geez. After looking at your project list, I'm not surprised you are a little burnt out!

  4. Sounds like that was a fun musical to watch. Hope you have a great week!

  5. Congrats to your daughter. The salad looks good and I think you are smart to forego the Spring craft show and do it in the Fall. Was that Fly Lady that you got all the emails from? She did get me going but I too had to drop out as the emails just kept coming! LOL! Yes, Monday is busy, busy, busy cleaning!

  6. I loved your cleaning tips! Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a blessed week!

  7. Luludou, if I get anything new made, I'll be sure to share

  8. Susan, you have no idea how happy we are the musical is done now. Whew! Yeah, long list and the wind today kept me from much of my outdoor work.

  9. Sam I Am, it was the Fly Lady, and it was horrible to keep up with. I'll just stick to what I can get done, lol!

  10. You are welcome Shellie! I realized the last time we went away, when we came home it was too stressful. I am so glad I had cleaned my bathroom etc.

  11. Sounds like a busy week - hope it's a good one. Happy Spring.

  12. Enjoyed reading your post. The salad sounds and looks delicious! Have a great week ahead and Happy Spring! Blessings! <3

  13. Thanks Rebecca. The salad was pretty good.


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