Friday, March 2, 2018

Staying Healthy ~ Tidbits

The recent changes in weather are making one daughter congested - mullein tea to the rescue.  She refuses to take the vinegar (or mullein tincture) So far, just taking the tea, has helped her get better.

Hubby is continuing to take the (Rosemary Gladstar recipe) Four Thieves Vinegar, and it is helping him ward off whatever is trying to take over his body.  The vinegar lasts up to one year, so another jar is already in the making, and as soon as sage and thyme can be harvested, I'll start a few more jars to have on hand. I'll continue to research more remedies as well.

I have several new recipes to try.  Oh boy.  I didn't think I'd get that many right now, but I'll share if they are worth sharing. 

I'm actually glad the craft show bombed.  I am off the hook on preparing more handiwork, and can now focus on more deep cleaning and organizing.  Although, I didn't clean much yesterday.  I spent time in the kitchen.

 Homemade tortillas using real lard.  I had no issues with the dough this time.  I think if your water is too warm you will.  It was perfect this time.  I had lard to use up.

 Cooked up some dry, organic, non-gmo Lima beans for tonight's succatash.  Lima beans are a good source of protein, iron, aids digestion, and more.  It's difficult to find organic lima beans in stores here.  I have to order them online.

Whipped up a batch of zucchini - chocolate chip muffins too.  the kids needed snacks to take to work and school, along with Hubby.  My freezer stash of zucchini is doing pretty well.  

Reading has been about zero.  I'm just don't seem to have the bug to read right now.  My reading mojo has up and left me. I guess it's back to cleaning today.  I'll need the movement to keep warm.  It's colder again, and Hubby was too tired to split wood last night (weather was terrible for it anyway).

Yesterday if poured rain the entire day.  I kid you not.  

It was a swamp.  Then I saw that the weather man said to watch for snow to arrive around 4pm.  

Yes, we here in our neck of the woods, are rolling are eyeballs, sighing, and letting out long winded exhales.  It's not much for snow, but it's an ice rink out there this morning.  However, the sun is shining brightly, and sun makes me happy.


  1. I know some people say spring is their favorite time of year, but I've never felt that way. Just look at all the rain/snow/mud/ice over and over we have to go through to get those relatively few warm, sunshiny, greening-up true spring days! ;o)

    I was talking to someone just yesterday who said they always made their tortillas with all lard.

  2. Mama Pea, I still like the einkorn tortillas too. I just needed to use up the lard, but they are so easy to make too.


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