Saturday, March 3, 2018

Breakfast Quesadillas

I'm thinking of warmer days ahead this morning.

I'm taking these for a camping breakfast this year - Breakfast Quesadillas.

You can make the eggs before you go - scrambled.  You can cook the onions and green bell peppers (with "fire it up" herb/spice mix).  You can cook you bacon ahead and crumble it.  You can make the tortillas ahead and take them.  Just assemble with some shredded cheese and heat in a skillet.  Yum.  Hubby liked his with sour cream and salsa.  

You can make these with just about any ingredient.  I love this idea, and I have no idea why I haven't made them for breakfast.  Easy, quick, and easy to transport for camping too.

Next time, I will make my tortillas larger, so I can fold them over to make our quesadillas.


  1. Thanks Susan, it was very good. I bet they could be made for dessert too, with homemade apple pie filling or something else too.

  2. They do indeed look delicious, I love the idea of having them as a desert to, yummy!

  3. Yum, this looks delicious. I will try this. B

  4. Such a good breakfast idea! Must remember.

  5. Mama Pea, it's very good. I will make them again too.

  6. Looks like a great idea for lunch too!

  7. Leigh, we've made them for lunch with chicken, or chutney and cheese before. They were very good.


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