Thursday, March 1, 2018

Random Tidbits

Here is the new change in the household.  "Vet-Tech" daughter and grand-pup Jesse moved back in yesterday.  Financial reasons.  Jesse is happy, but Daughter is living out of boxes in the living room until the girls can squeeze her and her belongings upstairs.  Even though she's 21, we still set rules.  We'll see how it goes. 

I picked up some organic celery at a great price.  I'm slicing and dicing, and freezing it. I will get about 4 trays frozen with what I purchased.  Now we are set all summer.  It's hard to find starter plants to grow this in our area.  I found them once at a garage sale, in an Amish community one year, and that was the only time.  It's difficult to grow here too. 

We are officially out of carrots from last year's garden bounty.

It is "strike 2" on craft shows.  The first one, at one daughter's work place never happened.  Now the one I signed up for this coming Saturday gave my "space" to someone else.  I was so disappointed in how they are running the organization.  I emailed to ask when we could set up, and had I not, I would have arrived with a car full of items and would have had to turn around and go back home.

I was told she could "wait list" me for April and sent me a formal application.  I told her "no thanks."  I'd rather not be partaking in this organization now.  In all my years of selling at the market and shows, I have never had this happen.

I guess there is a reason for everything, and I am betting the Good Lord felt it wasn't worth it, and had better (and larger) shows for me.  As for now, we are done for the season (with shows/bazaars), and will be back to them in the fall/winter.

It's raining this morning. Again.  Like we need more.  It's one sloshy mess out there, but I still open the chicken run.  The temperature is pretty nice yet.


  1. Like so many parents of "grown" kids these days, you're experiencing the revolving door. (Revolving dog door, too!) Hopefully, your daughter will appreciate being welcomed home and be a nice addition to your household. With only a few exceptions, we'd all do it for our kids. The world at large isn't kind to those young folks trying to start out on their own. They have a tough time of it.

  2. What a coincidence I have just got back from the supermarket and have frozen trays of celery all ready for soups and stews. We used to smile at our girls and nicknamed the process has boomerangs as they kept coming back. They do leave and settle well eventually, it is so hard for them to start out these days.

  3. I can't believe how cavalier that organization was about canceling you without notice! You would think they would understand the amount of time, effort and outlay it takes to build up wares for a craft show. You are much better off without them. How about farmers markets this spring/summer? Any opportunity there? An Etsy shop?What a sweet, old face Jesse has - I just adore seniors of the canine persuasion!

  4. Mama Pea, the costs of cell phones, car insurance and trying to pay rent (on top of food etc.) it tough for her. She has already washed the dishes for me.

  5. mamasmercantile, I have about used up my last freezer stash of celery. It comes in handy, especially on days like today (pouring down rain and cold).

  6. Susan, I do have a Farmer's Market I can set up with, but need to buy a new easy-up. I have my Etsy started, I just haven't stocked it yet. I'm trying to find out about tax laws etc in our state. Jesse is having a rough time getting peace and quiet, lol. Those other two dogs of ours keep bugging him. He finally got some rest on his doggie bed today.


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