Monday, February 26, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

It's back to the "grind" Monday.  I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  This past weekend was a heavy one, and I am so glad I put on sweatpants Sunday.  Sweatpants give me permission to be lazy, and to be less likely a busy crazy woman.  It was a detox tea day too.  After waiting two long weeks, my car brakes are finally replaced.  Now the muffler on Daughter's car is hanging low.  I noticed it Sunday morning, so Hubby did a quick tie up job on it.  She could win a "best jalopy" award if there was a contest.  Seeing the sun up, brighter and earlier today, motivates me in a pleasingly way.  It's getting me in the mood for early morning garden work, so bring it on Spring.  

On the breakfast table. . .

A "garbage" frittata.  Literally, whatever needed used up, and a few more home grown sweet potatoes.  And coffee.  Lots and lots of coffee.

The weather outside . . .

We are to get a high of 52°F today, and the sun is shining brightly.

On the to-do list. . .
-sort through bills and file stuff (the most daunting task today, so I put it first after a rigorous work out and before a rigorous work out.)

-muck chicken coop (so badly needed and the weather is warmer and the sun is out too)

(I filled all 3 outdoor lines, the indoor clothesline and a drying rack)
-make homemade yogurt
-empty ash bucket
-water plants
-prep dinner ~ bake buttermilk cornbread
-write (prompt writing, two article drafts, novel)
-seed more radish pods (weather is warming up and I gotta get this job done before seed pods mold, ugh).

-work up price tags for larger crocheted items
-check on library returns, and order books

Currently reading . . .
 Nothing.  I will pick up a book and magazines at the library soon.  I do miss reading the printed newspaper.  

On the TV . . .
 Just finished the series, "Wild Roses" on Amazon Prime.  Only to find out that their 2nd season was canceled and the 1st leaves you hanging.

On the menu this week . . .
Have no clue.  What the pantry provides I guess.  

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will . . . 

 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

What I am crocheting, sewing, knitting or creating . . .
A different ripple pattern  - baby blanket with yarn stash.  Too tired and busy to get you a photo.  I will share it soon though.

New recipe I have tried or want to try . . .
 Nothing at the moment, and I thankful for that for once.

Favorite photo from the camera . . .

Nothing on the camera, but the clothesline etc.  Although it makes me happy to put laundry out again.

Bible Verse, Devotional, Quote . . . 

Proverbs 21:20: The wise have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get.

Happy Homemaker Monday @ March 2018 by Kristina at


  1. I love the way clothes smell after being hung outside in the line! Hope you a blessed week!

  2. Your clothesline picture makes me feel like spring is already here! I find that I've started checking to see how many episodes and seasons of a show are on Amazon or Netflix before I'll commit to it. Hope you have a great week!

  3. Jean, I almost went to my garden to start getting it ready, but had too much to get done, ha ha! It's a bit brisk, but the sun is out and the wind is blowing.

  4. The garbage frittata is good idea! Looks like a great way to use up bits of this, that, and the other. And I soooooo want to get a clothes line put up this year! I miss hanging my clothes out on the line to dry! Have a blessed week ahead! <3

  5. Don't you just hate when you are so into a show, only to find out you will never get answers when they cancel it.... so frustrating! Have a great week!

  6. That is ALOT of laundry! but it smells so good when it's outside drying. you sure don't seem to have snow :) lucky you! Have a great week

  7. Sounds like a great drying day, I love the smell of line dried washing. The garbage frittata looks amazing, we had something similar for dinner last night.

  8. Rebecca, I have 3 outdoor lines. Some short indoor lines and drying racks. It was high time to get it done while the weather was good.

  9. Jodi, it was a great series, so I am surprised they didn't do a 2nd one.

  10. Luludou, no snow here. It was a beautiful day and today (Tuesday) should be even nicer.

  11. mamasmercantile, the frittata was delicious too. I was so happy to do laundry. With our long, cold winter, I was drying small amounts on drying racks indoors.

  12. Love the clothesline! Reminds me of growing up at my grandparent's farm. I miss it!

    Have a blessed week!


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