Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Oh my land.  The weather is absolutely gorgeous.  I got so much done yesterday, even though it was a bit too brisk to sit in a chair on the porch.  Although I got a lot done, I didn't complete my "to-do" list.  

Today?  Well, today should be even warmer, and no rain.  We are so ecstatic about the change in weather. In our parts, we've had so much rain and cloudy days, that we should all be happier this week.  The rain will return, so I'm going to get some outdoor time today (again).

I am so glad I got my coop mucked too. Oh my gosh it was badly in need of it.  The long, cold winter kept me from tidying it up as often as I usually do, but the ladies and gent should be happy too.  They are enjoying their run again too.  I'm not free-ranging just yet, as the early spring brings the hawks and fox out again.  Not to mention wandering raccoons and babies.

My body aches from the work yesterday, but in a good way. I was sweating while working out there yesterday.  It was so nice to get that sunshine.  I was so tempted to go work in the garden, but the ground is too wet to do it.  With the up coming rain (sigh) it will have to wait, even though I am so excited to get out there again.  I can always work on the herb garden, potted herbs, and flower beds - tidying them up a bit too.

I think I'll make a corn chowder for dinner (in hopes for a short motorcycle "sanity saver" ride), and save my "Dark Days Soup" for the up coming raining, dreary days.  I have so many spring blog posts drafted, and I am pumped for this new gardening season.  I need to order more beet seeds though.  I don't have enough, and they didn't go to seed last year.

My freezer and pantry are ready for a replenishing. My empty jars are piling up and the freezer is emptying out.  I really can't wait to restock my greens. I have about zero kale, collards, and swiss chard, but lots of dandelion.

Update on the Four Thieves Vinegar.  Hubby came home and asked for some.  He was feeling sickly.  He has never taken it and we are about out.  I swear by the stuff.  I've used elderberry elixirs in the past, but this seems to work pretty quickly.  I also took it daily when I had to visit Mom in the hospital.   I only take it when I am feeling poorly, and have only had to take it once a day so far. 

The Bad:  I killed my rosemary (again).  No new news there.  I kill it every time I bring it in for winter.  My house hates it I guess. I killed my tarragon and one other herb.  

The Good:  I have all but one geranium still alive (first time to attempt this).

Instead of taking handiwork to the porch today, it'll be radish pods.  I am so tempted to start pulling porch furniture from storage, but the rain will saturate it this time of year.  A folding chair will have to do for now.

Our household is about to undergo another change.  More on that later. 


  1. We're in a week (hopefully!) of warm days, too, although probably not as warm as you. In the 30s all week and sunshine. Yesterday, was off and on sun but the temp was up there. Today we have beautiful sunshine so far. I'm off to do some outside tasks and take advantage of the nice weather.

    No fair teasing us with "our household is about to undergo another change." Grad daughter leaving home, I would guess?

  2. Mama Pea, nope. She is still here, and tells me she's "never moving out" ha ha!

  3. You are a tease Kristina...Looking forward to finding out what the change will be.

  4. She's "never moving out," eh? Well, that can be a very nice thing. Or not. ;o)

  5. Kristina
    As the mother of two who are as different as can be for related genetics watch it.

    I have always told my dear daughter-in-love how much I appreciate her for marrying my son. Never in my life have I seen a child who enjoyed being a home body so much. To this day twenty three years later I swear if she hadn't he never would of left home.

    His sister on the other hand couldn't get out fast enough. Girls they are E tickets. Especially when they {sigh} take after their mothers.

  6. You sound like me...a sunny day and I go crazy working. Sounds like you got a lot done. That's such a good feeling. We had a sunny day yesterday and now back to rain for later today and all day tomorrow. :(

  7. Mama Pea, she has been a bit of help with picking up her sister every single night after musical rehearsal, but she already knows how hard it is to pay for car insurance and her phone.

  8. I'll be telling you soon, mamasmercantile.

  9. Goatldi, I know when our Grad daughter moves out, she'll be taking two dogs and one cat with her.

  10. Henny Penny, I didn't finish my to-do list, but I got yogurt made, and I had that on my list for a few days. So glad I got it done, so I can enjoy it again.


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