Monday, January 22, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

I absolutely forgot to join in on this last Monday.  Today I am.  I'm joining up with Sandra at Diary of at Stay at Home Mom.  My week is starting up with less stress and more of a better plan this week.

Sunday, by 3pm I shockingly told Hubby, "I haven't had a hook in my hand all day!"  Nope.  We had a lumberjack breakfast, cut a load of barn wood (making another dent in the debris pile), and spent the rest of the day in the kitchen.  It was a meatloaf, potato kind of day.  I also got a frittata baked for on-the-go breakfast, along with homemade blueberry pancakes for those who were not on the go.  With breakfast baking/cooking freeing me up today, and the bed sheets already washed and dried, I'm ready to tackle cleaning chores today.

On the breakfast plate. . .

(I'll have a post on this soon)

Looking out the window . . .
Sunshine and warm however, high of 55° but rain is in the forecast (and we all know how mushy the ground is after a thaw, so we don't need rain).  

Right now I am. . .
-writing down the new recipes I want to try (tincture, deodorant, and some food recipes). Oh, my youngest daughter finally took my suggestion for coloring her hair with coffee grounds and coffee.  I think she'll be making a video to post on YouTube as well.  She said it felt so refreshing on her scalp.  If she does, I'll share the video.

Thinking and pondering. . .
Calling all yarn stashers!  I'm looking for more yarn.  This time it's a cotton yarn I need:

(best lighting, but not really capturing the true color)

Peaches and Creme, Cotton yarn, Color: Bright Orange 01628, 2.5 oz.  

I can find it on ebay and etsy, but for high prices.  Gosh, Amazon wants $7.20 for one tiny ball (when these sell for less than $2 in stores).  If you have this yarn, and want to sell it at a reasonable price (USA shipping), please email me.

On my bedside table. . .
 -homemade lip balm, crochet needle and hooks, a cup of water

On my TV tonight. . . .
 Whatever we find on Amazon Prime. 

What I'm listening to. . .
 - nothing, radio is not on and it's nice and quiet.

On the menu this week . . .
 - have no clue, leftovers tonight so it's easy going all week

On my to-do list. . .

-one bathroom
-wash towels and possibly hang them outside
-take towels off indoor clothesline and fold
-make tea infusion
-floors, all of them
-bake muffins
-prepare roll dough
-pick up books at the library
-water plants
-muck coop

(short to-do list today)

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating. . .
- currently, cup coasters, more hats, baby blanket, another scarf, and more.  I just pick one on the hooks and try to finish one by the weekend.

My simple pleasure. . .
Journaling by hand.  Pen/ pencil on paper.

Lesson learned this past week . . .
Don't store cocoa powder in the same area as my corn starch (another story you will soon hear about)

From the camera. . .

Prayer list . . .
No special requests at this time.  Family, myself, friends.

Bible verse, devotional, quote. . .

Image result for quote for staying in shape


  1. Hello Kristina, That photo of your bread has me salivating! It looks so good I can almost smell it. Glad to see you enjoy journaling, maybe sometime you will share photos, I find photos of pen, paper, stationary and books/journals so beautiful. Cant wait to hear about the cocoa powder story lol
    Have a great day!

  2. The quiche looks yummy! I will look through my stash of yarn and see if I have any orange... I think I may have, but not 100% sure. Have a great week!

  3. I love reading your blog! You seem so up, fresh, full of energy, and do so many interesting and inspiring things! Love the idea of dying the hair with coffee grounds and will be looking forward to hearing more about that! :) Have a blessed week ahead! <3

  4. Oh, I think we have the same kind of tea! I want to hear about that hair tint! Have a great week

  5. Row, thank you. And yes, it is a funny (but short) tale to tell you all about, ha ha!

  6. Thanks Jodi, it's a color I don't think they make anymore, and I use it for cup coasters and to make my chicken ornaments.

  7. Rebecca, I love to read your blog too. I left you a email and comment. Have a great week.

  8. Lucie, my bathroom has coffee grounds all over the floor, but at least it's natural, ha ha. She loves making YouTube videos so I can't wait to see it.

  9. The photo of the breakfast plate was amazing, what a great breakfast.

  10. I have taken to making overnight steel cut oats for a portable breakfast, but that frittata looks SO good! I was going to remark on your "short" to-do list - it's unusual when it's under two pages!

  11. Oh, I'm interested about the corn starch cocoa incident!!! Your bread looks yummy! :)

  12. You always sound so busy over there and imagine your house must be full of delicious smells from all that baking. Blueberry pancakes sound so good and the frittata looks amazing. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  13. Susan, I love steel cut oats too. I need to make some soon.

  14. Jean, I make my blueberry pancakes with a variety of Einkorn and other flour. Thanks. Have a nice week too.

  15. Thanks Rain, I will share that story on Tuesday.

  16. I'm running so late this week visiting everyone. I sure hope you had a GREAT week!


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