Thursday, January 18, 2018

Random Tidbits

Our "grandson" has been staying with us for the last few days. He may be here for a while yet, while our "Vet Tech-in training" daughter gets her move straightened out.

We now have a "dog" blanket over the bed quilt so the dogs don't ruin it.  However, "grandson" Jesse has been given soul rights to the blanket for now.  He's old, and he can barely get on or off the bed anymore.  He's been getting spoiled by us.  

The hot pepper pickled eggs have been delicious on top of chicken or tuna salad (made with my home canned sweet pickle {or zucchini} relish).  Yum! 

Reminder:  Check the batteries in your smoke alarms.


  1. What a beautiful looking dog, I can totally understand why he would be spoilt.

  2. Your grandpup is the sweetest thing! I really do love senior dogs. I will have to pickle some eggs - now that you have me craving them! My hens have picked up production since I've taken to turning their light on.

  3. mmm eggs look good! Thanks for the heads up for the alarms I will do that very thing. hugs, lj

  4. Susan, he really is a good dog too. I have another dozen eggs stashed to pickle again. Mmmm!

  5. Lady Jane, I often forget to check the batteries.

  6. Jesse reminds me of my Abby that I had on the farm. She was the greatest farm dog ever and would fight to the death for me and almost did several times! Bless Jesse and he is lucky to have such GREAT grandparents!

  7. Used to love pickled eggs! Until I ate to many at one sitting! :(
    Glad the pup is getting spoiled by his "grandparents"!

  8. Liz, you are right. I eat one. They are almost gone too.


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