Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Random Tidbits

According to the news, we were very, very lucky.  On Sunday, the day we took two girls to the movies. . . a tornado touched down. 


Right behind us.  Just minutes after we left the "big" city.  Seriously.  It was terrible leaving town - high winds, wet leaves on the road, raining so hard we had to drive slow. 

Passing through a smaller town, we had to pull over for four trucks leaving a fire station heading to the "big" city.

The next day, after we arrived home, and saw what had happened, our jaws dropped.  We had just driven through the area of where a tornado took havoc, and tore up a trailer park area.  Store signs ripped off, cars flipped over. . . but not one person injured thankfully.

It makes my hair stand up when I think about it.  We could have been in that, had the girls taken 2-3 more minutes in the restroom.  We are ever so grateful, and thankful that no one was injured.

As for the new sweet potato dish I wanted to try?

Two voted no.  One voted yes.  And one vegetarian would not even try it. She was feeling a bit sickly (again) and her stomach wasn't feeling it.  Why two no votes?  It's sweet.  Like candy sweet.  Didn't like that, so I sprinkled cinnamon on mine.  Better, but way, way too sweet.  It's a shredded sweet potato dish with sugar, butter, and pineapple juice.  Odd combination, but again too sweet for our taste. I'll stick with my regular recipes for sweet potatoes.

Not much to post today.  I spent time scrubbing out the chicken watering unit, laundry and my list of chores yesterday.  I didn't have enough hours to even get the list done.  I'm not surprised.

However, I made the call to the insurance company.  It took me several times to get a speaking person.  I hate that anymore.

As for the recent medical bill?

It's real.  It's not incorrect.  And, unlike what Hubby thought, I have not met my personal deductible (which is $3000.00).  Sigh....so we gotta pay this one too.  Oh, I am not happy.  Not happy at all.  There will be no Christmas presents purchased this year. Not even for the kids.  We have sat them down and talked to them. I honestly think the ones who were upset are the two out living on their own.  

Don't get sick.  Don't get a crappy doctor, and above all, don't get bit by a venomous spider.

And dang it all. With that said, I couldn't get the free guinea hens.  I'd have to spend money to feed them (and spend money on straw), and we can't do that right now.  Urgh.  I have wanted guineas for years.  

Well, maybe another year.  I mean we got the trees felled, and the big barn down, so I'm not giving up any hope here.

Also, the make up remover wipes (homemade) that I posted about, and loved?  I shared the book too?  Well, they grew mold on them.  I had to toss them.  A waste of supplies, but wanted to share so folks didn't waste money.  I don't think you could add an essential oil if you are using them on your eyes either.  I will stick with my goat's milk soap.  Now I'm wondering if I should even waste ingredients on the facial cleanser recipe?  Hm.  


  1. Disappointing with bills and headaches but when you look at the news and your 'close call' things could always be so much worse! Hang in there! We're all rooting for you!

  2. Sam I Am, we are still shaking our heads on how we just missed that tornado. So thankful we got out safely. Yeah, medical bills can sour the holidays, but I'm still putting up my trees and decorations. :)

  3. So so sorry about your med bills. That would sicken me as well. What a disappointment about the wipes! Hope today is better.

  4. Kristen, yes medical bills especially this time of year are not welcome. Oye. And for the wipes? I was very disappointed in finding it with mold. I don't think keeping them in the fridge would help, considering there is coconut oil in them too. They worked great, but sadly, not a keeper recipe. I am surprised it was in a published book too.

  5. Insurance issues are horrible and I pray they will be fixable someday soon. Our politicians are too worried about their jobs and being elected over and over again. We need campaign reform, term limits, less lobbyists and until we, as a people, keep letting this stuff happen than we have to live with what we got.... It is so unfortunate. On a brighter note thank the good Lord you were not in the tornado!!! Hugs, lj


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