Monday, November 6, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

If you haven't gotten tired of today's posts, I am joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  It's a dreary day here today, so those make me lazy.  I need help staying accountable today.

On the breakfast plate  . . .

Coffee, sweet potato and black bean frittata, a slice of homemade bread with homemade sherry pear butter, yogurt topped with homemade granola.  Speaking of which, I need to get yogurt made this week.  

Right now I am . . .
Thinking my blog header really needs updated, but it will have to wait until I have a cold winter day with nothing to do.  

The weather outside . . . 
Wet.  Wet, flooding everywhere, dreary, cloudy, and colder.  Nasty tornado weather.

Looking around the house. . .
The broken down treadmill was finally moved out, so I can start putting up Christmas tree #2.  I'm not letting any holiday haters ruin my fun either.  Yes, a bit early, but if you got as sick as I did last year, you'd be doing it too.  

Today's to-do list . . .
-Dishes! Lots and lots of dirty dishes!
-laundry washed and on the line (we have wind)
-call the insurance company
-bring in more plant stands
-clean off hearth, empty ash pan and bucket
-scrub chicken watering unit and hang heat lamp
-write!!  I didn't write yesterday, it was a family fun day.
-make a pitcher of brain booster iced tea
-make a nettle tea infusion
- my list will be for the week because there is never enough hours in my days anymore.

Currently reading . . .
Same novel, no magazines this week so far.

On the TV today . . .
Hm.  If we watch anything tonight, it'll be Christmas movies on netflix.  We don't get the hallmark channel anymore. 

On the menu this week. . .
-hamburger gravy over potatoes (using organic beef)
-stuffed peppers
-homemade pizzas

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will . . .

Crochet.  I am working on a secret Christmas present for a daughter, but I'm just thinking I need to give it to her early.  I'm a sucker for things like that.  She's been asking for a specific crocheted item, and I'm secretly making it.  She asked me again last night if I would still make it.

New recipe I want to try or have tried this week . . .
Well, I tried the chocolate pie.  Go back one post and you'll see it.  Oh my, it's a keeper. I also tried one new jerky recipe using my dehydrator.  Loved it.  This week?  A new sweet potato dish for sure.

Favorite photo from the camera . . .
A weekend sunrise from another view other than my porch.

Devotional, Scripture, Key Verses, Quotes. . . .

Image result for quote about working too hard


  1. I popped back to look at the Chocolate pie, sounds delicious! Funny reading your comment about the pudding though because the chocolate pie I've made for years doesn't take pudding (or milk), always stumped my mom that it didn't take those two things. Hope you have a wonderful week and do indeed get a few minutes to yourself.

  2. Jean, thanks. I hope to get some time today, but it's noon here already and I haven't even started the mound of dirty dishes. Two girls were sick, and then we had a family fun day on Sunday. And of course I bake and cook, ha ha!

  3. Your daughter is going to be so happy. I am happy you are not letting the haters stop you from decorating early. who says there are rules? I'm not quite ready which is rare. so I'm trying to stretch out fall but as soon as thanksgiving is done. I will be rushing to get that Christmas décor up. for all the work It takes I like to enjoy it as long as I can. Hope you have a lovely day.

  4. your homemade bread makes me want to bake! It looks amazing! Praying for your weather! I love that your already in the Christmas spirit! We already have our house decorated! 2 tress up as well! I am trying to convince my hubby to let me decorate outside early! Hope you have a blessed week! I truly enjoyed your post!

  5. I love these posts! You always impress me with how much you get done. I must've missed the chocolate pie recipe...must find that one. If you change up your blog header would you ever consider putting a photo of yourself on your blog? I always like to picture the writers of my favorite blogs while I'm reading. Just thought I'd ask --- don't want to be pushy or anything :)

  6. Row, thank you. It takes me a while to get all the decor up, and now I have a daughter wanting to decorate her own room. I have put handmade ornaments in boxes and gifted each child with a variety of past years ornaments. They can now decorate their own tree with my creations (when they are out on their own).

  7. Shellie, we typically put up our outside lights in October, but don't turn them on until after thanksgiving. This year we are behind on that job, ha ha!

  8. Kristen, thanks. The pie was very good. Not sure on the blog header just yet. It'll be a winter project I think.

  9. I'm running late this week with getting back from up north and getting sick right away. The time change is also messing with me BIG time too. That homemade bread looks yummy! Have a GREAT week.

  10. Tammy, thank you, I hope you feel better soon.


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