Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Slowing Down

Things were much slower yesterday.  I was thankful for that.

Jasper has found a new toy to play with, ha ha!  He loves boxes.  I caught him trying to dig into the Christmas tree box too.  Silly cat.

It's been too wet to work in the garden.  We had a lot of rain dumped on us, and with it cold, it's not drying up.  The wind has died down too.

I have however, removed nails from some of the barn wood.  We are at least reducing our piles out there (ever so slowly).

The homemade hot chocolate jar was restocked and ready for winter.  The girls are happy.  They enjoy a cup after school, and after work.


  1. My boys love a hot chocolate with squirty cream, little marshmallows and sometimes a flake.

  2. It's cold here too and damp. I was just thinking of hot cocoa yesterday!

  3. Slowing down is sometimes a good thing. I dislike winter but thoroughly enjoy January through until spring. Seems like that time is spent doing what makes me happy and is devoid of the heavy work. Thanks for the reminder to fill my hot chocolate jar - my go-to winter evening treat. :)

  4. It's a little slow around here too. I'm catching up on housecleaning and cooking and recipe planning. A good cup of hot cocoa is so comforting this time of year. We drop a little rye in our cups if we have them before bed, the flavours are really delicious!

  5. We finally got a touch of snow and I was so happy! Not that I have everything ready, but it means that I can slow down soon!!

  6. Vicki, you are welcome. The girls reminded me it needed refilled.

  7. Rain, I never thought to mix it with Rye. Interesting.

  8. Susan, I swear I heard it raining in the night, we just go so much. Blech. I don't have all the garden out, but we are ahead more than last year.

  9. I'm not a hot chocolate lover, but my husband makes up for both of us!

    I have all the outside "garden stuff" done, but I'm still waiting for things to slow down. We were offered about 3 cords of birch wood still in tree lengths for free so we've been cutting that up and bringing it home on our flatbed trailer. It's deer hunting season here and the son of our good neighbors shot one early this morning but, sadly, it got up and rain into the heavy woods. There were 7 of us who spent several hours hiking in the woods today trying to locate it to no avail. The hunter, especially, is very upset. Not because he didn't "get his deer" but because he's super-conscientious and didn't want to cause any suffering the deer might have gone through.

    Tomorrow it's (unexpected) company for lunch, and then we hope to get back out to collect more of the wood in the afternoon.

  10. Mama Pea, that's great you are getting that wood. And you are able to have time to cut it up too. And trailer it. Too bad on the deer.


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