Monday, October 9, 2017

Uses for Yellow Squash Relish

I had a few pints of yellow (straight neck) squash relish to use up.  It appears to be an item we don't use as often as I though we would.  I read it's great on hotdogs.  We don't eat hotdogs.  I also canned it in pints vs. half-pints, like I should have. Of course it's good on burgers too, but then we have most of the jar to use up before it goes bad.
Here is what I tried with the yellow squash relish, and liked it.

Over Black Beans:

First up, I soaked black beans, then cooked them in the crocky the next day (with chopped onion and minced garlic sauteed and added).

On Burritos: 

We topped burritos with the black beans, eggs, and squash relish.  Pretty darn good, and some added veggies.

Add to rice:

Simply add some to cooked rice and enjoy as a side or use the topping burritos.

In Potato Salad:

Next up I made a potato salad using it (with our homegrown potatoes). 

In Tuna/chicken salads:

Works pretty good.  Tastes great with just some organic mayo and squash relish. I grilled my sandwich with a slice of Monterrey jack cheese. Mmm.

Over meats/fish:

Spread a bit of it over a slice of meatloaf, fish,  etc.

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