Monday, October 9, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  

On the breakfast plate. . .
 Pumpkin steel cut oats, banana, tomato juice, coffee

Looking around the house . . .
  I see I need to dust again.   

On the "to-do" list . . .

-take long curtains down, wash them and hang them out
-clean ceiling fans
-vacuum floors
-fold yesterday's towels
-bake bread
-make a batch of onion soup
-mix up pie crust crumbles
-laundry out on the line
-dinner in the crock pot
-bring mail in, sort bills
-water house plants
-library visit/returns

On the TV. . .

The weather outside . . .
 Rainy, foggy, cloudy - looks like a typical fall weather that makes you want to curl up with a book. However, the sun later came out and it fairly warm now.

On the menu. . ..
 Salmon, veggies
 Pasta bake of some sort, I have some sauce opened
 Hm, I'll have to work on this.  I better go check my freezer.

If I have a few minutes to myself I will . . .
   Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!  Probably won't happen today, but if I do, crochet.

New Recipe I have tried or want to try. . .
  Flourless pumpkin bread

One of my simple pleasures . . .
 Visiting the library and bringing home lots of goodies.

From my camera. . .

Praying for. . .
 Special requests, family, friends

Bible verse, devotional . . . 
 Image result for pamper yourself meme


  1. What a beautiful photo! Flourless pumpkin bread sounds interesting. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Thanks Jean, the pumpkin bread recipe is on my blog today (10-10-17). It's a very moist bread. The kids loved it with butter or cream cheese on top.

  3. Beautiful photo! And I do like that quote, I try my best to live by that. Otherwise, life gets too cumbersome.

  4. Rain, the sunrise was absolutely gorgeous that day I took the photo.


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