Sunday, October 8, 2017

. . .from stash to trash

Since I'm on a roll with new recipes. . .and because I have a reputation of "stirring" up the holidays with something of the alcohol nature (for the adults of course), I have wanted to try a new recipe of Homemade Strawberry-Watermelon Rum. 

The recipe is from "DIY Edibles."   The bottled strawberry-watermelon rum is used for martini making.  Of course we had to test taste a bottle before possible gifting.  The watermelon flavor is a bit stronger than the strawberry, and very sweet.  If you like sweet.  It's different, that's for sure.  

It was too sweet for us.  We test tasted this a few times, at different occasions, and felt it was just not the right item to gift.  The mixing of the martini took ingredients that we felt made giving this too complicated for recipients, and the final martini was way too sweet. we felt.

Pretty to gift, and it will last up to a year if kept in a dark cool area. If super sugary is your preferred beverage.


  1. What a wonderful gift, I am sure the lucky recipients will love it.

  2. I remember the martini "craze" in the 90's, at least in Montreal. Martini bars opened up everywhere. There were lots of "girlie" martinis, sweet like that, I never really liked them. I was more a gin and olive gal lol! :)

  3. Rain, we went to a martini bar on our favorite island, and they charged $9.00 a martini. The next year the bar had new owners and a new name. We are not really martini people, especially Hubby, but I wanted to try something new.


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