Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Losing my Mind. . . Holiday Prep ~ Paranoid Prep

My brain has gone plain insane.  I feel like I'm caught up in a whirlwind and I'm trying to reach out to stop and get a job done, and I'm sucked back in again heading another direction. 

The barn....

Oh lets not talk about that job.  It's getting on my nerves, although I've wanted that job done for several years.  So. Much. Work. The barn siding was delivered.  Then rain arrived, so garden work halted, and I was back indoors.  Deep cleaning, cooking, putting up. . .

The hens are molting.  Egg supply is at it's all time lowest.  I made a crock pot of pumpkin oats.  We are not tired of pumpkin just yet, ha ha!  I picked a handful of red raspberries for topping the oats too.

I baked my first flourless pumpkin bread.  I have always baked it with flour, so this was a new recipe.  I only tired it out of curiosity, and the fact it saves me on ingredients.  Einkorn flour isn't cheap. It was so-so.  Not awesome, yet not bad either. 

Flourless Pumpkin Bread

Mix together in a blender or food processor:
2 cups old-fashioned oats (I ground these up first)
1 (15 oz) can pumpkin puree (I used home grown)
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice (I just put in cinnamon etc)

Bake in prepared 9 x 5 loaf pan for 30 minutes at 350°F.  Check with a toothpick.  Continue baking if needed (I did).  Allow bread to cool before removing from pan.  Store bread in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

I love to have onion soup stocked in my freezer.  It was the next thing to be made - 5 delicious pints.   It's in the Ball blue book if you want the recipe. 

Pie crust crumbles have now been restocked.  I have had good pie crusts with this recipe, and I love the easy use of just getting it out and adding water.

Holiday pie prep is now checked off the list of "to-do's."  What a good feeling too.  I'm looking forward to a much better, and much healthier, holiday season this year.

Misc. Preparedness

Plantain poultices are now prepared and in the freezer.  Just in case.  I have dried plantain as well, but instant poultices is a relief to have, considering my own spider bites.  Preparedness by a paranoid lady, ha ha!

The "journal junkie" started another journal - a fitness journal.  To be honest, it is making very accountable for the amount of water I drink, my snacks and totally focused on my exercise and amount of fruits and vegetables (better than before). 


  1. This post of yours is a reminder to me of the basics I want to get prepared and put into the freezer for this winter . . . so that I can spend less time in the kitchen and more time in my quilt room! Hahahaha! (Hey, it could happen. Maybe. I hope. Someday.)

  2. Mama Pea, I had to laugh. I know so many people who are extremely busy this time of year, getting prepared for winter and the holidays. I am just trying to get those darn carrots out of the garden, ha ha!

  3. Paranoia can work for you sometimes lol...I hope you have a great holiday season this year! Good job on the pie prep! :)

  4. Rain, I'm always looking around for spiders and webs now when I work. Lol!

  5. I have read your blog for a while after finding you through Dawn at Being Self-sufficient in Wales. I have now added you to my regular reading list. I like to think that I am a pioneer woman at heart too, just have to work on being one a bit harder but continually looking for inspiration so thank you for your blog.

  6. Love the photo of your barn progress. I can so relate to how you feel! It seems so many projects start with a burst of energy and enthusiasm, but eventually get to the point where all you want is for it to be done! Dan's that way with our barn now. He's got other projects on his mind and so feels tied to the barn!

    Interesting you mentioned einkorn. I've been thinking about trying some standard wheat alternatives in the garden. Maybe I should try a seed crop next year.

  7. I know your pain, rain keeps stopping work here too. The outside painting has come to a halt and the barn conversion has not even got started.

  8. Louise, thank you for visiting, and I'm glad you are enjoying it.

  9. Leigh I would be growing it too (einkorn seed), but we need a tractor to clean up the back pasture. It's on the wish list.

  10. mamasmercantile, we are getting more rain today.


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