Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Random Tidbits ~ Pumpkin Hummus

The carrots are all out of the ground - 7.7# more. I got them all out after a day of rain, but it was so wet out there.  I could not pull dead plants, and then the rain returned this morning.  With a vengeance.  This puts all garden work, and barn work to a halt.

Walking to the mailbox, and passing the herb garden yesterday, I realized I haven't stocked up on some herbs.  Dehydrator is going strong this week.  Or was.  The rain halted this too.

New recipe:  Pumpkin Hummus.  I had one pint of pumpkin (from last year) that needed rotated out of the freezer.  It was hummus or pumpkin pancakes.  Hummus won.

The taste test?   

I'll let you know after we taste it tonight.  I'm going to guess it will taste similar to the butternut squash hummus I made, but different spices.

I had all kinds of ideas before I woke up this morning, but I'm not feeling it.  I thought it would be nice to can another batch of carrot cake jam, but I'll do it another day.  My gusto and lack of umpf just got up and left.  There are days like this, but thankfully not often. It's the reality of gardening - work. I will be lucky if I just get the 7.7# of carrots in the freezer today.

 I hope your day is filled with energy.  Send some my way.  I'll be sitting on the porch later, crocheting or knitting, or reading, or writing...and waiting for the zap of zippity to return.  A day of rest is good for the body and soul.  And mind.


  1. Get up and go just got up and left? Happens entirely too often around here. But on the other hand, nothing wrong with a little porch sitting. That is good for the soul.

  2. Vicki, I think this fall rainy day has gotten me a bit lazy too, ha ha! The porch is definitely calling me today. If I can stay dry on it. The wind is kicking up now.

  3. I think a day of rest is needed at's hard to justify it when there is so much to do though. I've taken a morning of rest just before I get out in the garden, then into the kitchen. Pumpkin hummus sounds interesting!

  4. Rain, I'm so ready for a day off, even though I took Sunday off, ha ha!

  5. I feel like you deserve it and I've found that sometimes I have energy every other day and I try to plan accordingly...especially if you do 'heavy-lifting' on one day maybe plan on something less strenuous the next....sounds like you're doing exactly that!

  6. Sam I Am, I am trying to keep a better balance this fall. Thanks.


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