Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Dry Sherry Roasted Pumpkin Seeds ~ Garden Goodies

The last pumpkin seeds I roasted, I did a bit differently.  I made dry sherry roasted pumpkin seeds.  I used the whiskey-bacon recipe, but swapped out the whiskey for dry sherry.  I took them out of the oven about 10 minutes earlier, and they are better than the whiskey roasted ones.  Crispier too.  Hubby loves them over all the ones we have tried this season. By the way, all of the roasted pumpkin seeds have been eaten.  Hubby wants more, ha ha!  I hate to tell him, the pumpkins are all roasted, and I would have to buy them (and it's a bit late to find them anywhere now).

The garden still provides.  However, the hot peppers plants need pulled.  We enjoyed these raspberries for a snack and over waffles.

It's a busy week, so posts may be short (or packed with updates or sporadic). I'll do my best to keep up with reading your blogs too.  It was too wet to work in the garden yesterday, and very well may be the same situation today.  It was too cold to enjoy the porch, however we are warming up just a bit this week.  

Glady bulbs were all dug up and brought in for the winter, and I brought in three geraniums.  I took down the hanging pots, but need to put them in storage. I got three herbs re-potted (two outside, and one inside), and ready to bring inside soon.  I'm getting them acclimated to a pot before bringing indoors for winter.  The mucking of the coop is being delegated today.  I'm glad to have the help.


  1. I know what you mean...this time of year is very busy and it's hard to find time to blog and read blogs...I'm finding the same problem but we have all winter to catch up, I guess! LOL! You go girl!


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