Wednesday, October 18, 2017

This and That ~ Pumpkin Pasta Dish

As soon as daylight hit, I noticed these ladies were out wandering.  And later a 4th.  Hm.  Daughter didn't do a head count, but they are all there.  Whew!

The new handicraft adventure I wrote about (several months ago) is still on the list, but delayed.  It may be a winter project.  

 Puffed pear pancake was enjoyed for an after school snack vs. breakfast.   Again, I used 2 pears. Apples would be delicious in this too.  Although I only have one kiddo in school, it's the perfect time of day to make a sweet treat, and double it as a dinner dessert.  And utilize our homegrown pears.  Right now, organic apples are $5.99/bag (3 lb.), so I am patiently waiting on a sale.  I am hoping our apple trees produce next year.

 The herbs are getting full attention this week.  Sage was dehydrated.

Rosemary was also dehydrated.  More to do this week yet.

I spent yesterday digging up potatoes, and I have to say the sweet potatoes did great this year.  I brought in 16.5# total of Kennebec, Red Norland and sweet potatoes.  Of course this meant pulling weeds, and that was very time consuming.  And I'm not done digging.  That alone took 3 hours.

I brought in a handful of Russian Kale too.  Dang it all, I just keep finding things that need done.  

However, meals need prepared for this family, so after a very welcomed shower, dough was started for English muffins, my garden clothes washed and out on the line ready for another long day.

"Grad" Daughter did some mowing, but has been helping me muck the chicken coop on her days off work.

Dinner was a new recipe - Pasta with Creamy Pumpkin Sauce.  It's online. If you google it, I used the one by Budget Bytes.  As I sat down on the porch to eat, I realized it just needs a sprinkle of fresh herbs - thyme or basil perhaps.  It was good and filling.  It just needed something to add color to the dish (and flavor).  It contains garden garlic, pumpkin, broth, seasonings and pastas (all organic).  I bet this sauce would taste good using cooked millet too.

I woke up to a slight sore throat.  Grad Daughter spent the night with a friend, so I'm also on dog duty.  I am debating to stay out of the garden today and take a rest day from it, but I have so much to pull out of it before the ground freezes.  First, I think I'll enjoy a cup of miso soup to help stay healthy.

Enjoy your Wednesday. 


  1. Glad you had a result with your sweet potatoes, mine have been great this year, too.

  2. The pear pancake looked delicious, such a lovely looking desert.

  3. Thanks Louise, it's always refreshing to get a good harvest.

  4. mamasmercantile, I love to make the pear pancake when our pears are ready on the tree. I think I will try this again, using Einkorn flour next time. I'd love to try it with apples, but our trees did not produce this year.

  5. Nice potato harvest! Congrats!!! I have so many herbs and one very dying dehydrator...not sure what I'll do with all of them. I brought them all in to the window, so fingers crossed they'll make it! Your pancake looks really yummy, I made one like that with pears a few months back and it was a hit!

  6. Thanks Rain, the pear pancake has been getting made here for a few years now, but only when our pears are in harvest. As for my herbs, I don't bring them all in, just a few. I do keep parsley and basil in my window though. Some just won't live through our winters here.

  7. Take care of yourself and don't over do it although I know there is a short window for getting things done this time of year! the pasta looks good.

  8. You've got some pretty looking hens there lady. Real beauties!!! Your garden items look great too. We didn't put in one this year. With our schedules and our age's aches and pains, the yard's gotten out of hand. I don't know when it will get done, or if even.
    We always called those puff pancakes Dutch Pancakes. I've also heard them called Dutch Babies. They're yummy, especially with strawberry preserves in them.
    Prayers everyone has a great weekend.
    God bless.

  9. RB, thanks. I never thought of strawberries. Yum.

  10. I made them often when married, because my then husband was wild about them. We baked the pancake alone, then spread them with strawberry preserves and whipped cream after we lifted them.
    God bless.


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