Monday, October 16, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  Hubby and I had a very productive weekend, had some fun, and some rest time.  He even made cookies yesterday (what a man!).  It's back to work this week, and I hope the wind dries up that veggie garden.  It's soaked to the rims today.

On the breakfast plate. . .

Freshly picked red raspberries and. . .
 Leftovers from Sunday - pumpkin waffles (homegrown pumpkin), homemade sausage patties, fried homegrown potatoes with green onions.

Right now I am. . .
 - writing out a grocery list, brewing a quart of tea infusion

The weather outside . . .
  Much colder than yesterday.  Yesterday, we enjoyed breakfast on the porch, then simply relaxed most of the afternoon.  A few home repairs were completed too.  After the rain stopped on Sunday, cold air moved in and the wind picked up.  Today the wind is down, but cold, cold, cold.  Woke up to a chilly 43°F.

Looking around the house . . .

 Hubby attemped to pick pears, but the rain fell again, and he only brought in 6.  However, they are huge!

Currently reading . . .
 going through old magazines, purging them

On the TV today. . . 
 netflix, anything we stumble upon at bedtime

The menu this week . . .
Monday: Michigan Salmon patties, veggie

Breakfast meals:  Pear Pancake, Pumpkin waffles, egg/greens scramble, burritos

Meal ideas are cabbage/sausage/potato soup, stuffed shells, more hummus for snacking, possibly meatballs and potatoes, bluegill for sure,  maybe a pasta dish of some sort

On the to-do list . . . the all-week list

-vacuum carpets
-crack walnuts(we were gifted a new bag this fall again)
-muck chicken coop
-drain and flip all rain barrels
-dump porch pots and put away hanging baskets
-herb garden work
-dig potatoes, pull garden
-repot two herbs 
-dig glady bulbs
-put more porch furniture in storage
-work on barn wood, remove nails, saw and stack
-split wood for winter
-bake cookies 
-bake English muffins
-start fermenting sauerkraut
-sort bills
-pick up printer ink 
-check library return dates/pick ups
-make some calls
-computer work, get some things printed
-file a few more newly tried recipes
-pick more pears
-continue deep clean 
-wash winter gloves/mittens/hats/scarves and spider proof the drawer they are in 
(crossing off as I complete and as the week goes by)

If I have a few minutes to myelf today I will . . .
 Crochet, and check supplies for a handmade Christmas gift idea.

New recipe I tired or want to try. . .
  Carrot tart, pumpkin pasta, pumpkin stuffed shells, millet stuffed peppers 

One of my simple pleasures. . .
 Send a positive text to Hubby while he is hard at work.

What I am creating, crocheting, sewing, or knitting . . .
 This week it's a sewing project.  The longer, antique patterned fabric has left the closet and will be made into a tablecloth.

From my camera . . .
This morning's sunrise

And!  Yesterday's rainbow's.  Now one but two of them in the same day.

Something I found interesting. . .
. . . that swapping dry sherry for whiskey in a recipe I use, made it taste even better.

Bible verse, Devotional . . . 

Proverbs 17:7(NIV)

Eloquent lips are unsuited to a godless fool—
    how much worse lying lips to a ruler!


  1. Your breakfast looked amazing! I have a deep love for antique fabric! I really enjoyed your picture you shared!Hope you have a blessed week!

  2. Thank you Shellie. I hope your week is great too.

  3. Your breakfast looked amazing, I would love to taste those waffles. Loved the fabric, it will make a beautiful tablecloth. That is some job list, here's hoping you manage to get it all done.

  4. The photos are so pretty. I love rainbows! Sounds like a lovely weekend!

  5. mamasmercantile, I hope to stick to that list and reward myself at the end of the week. So. Much. To. Do. Yikes.

  6. Rain, this cooler weather is coming too fast on me, lol. Gotta get crackin' at work this week.

  7. Love a good list............ your to-do list is quite long!

  8. Your breakfast sounds lovely! Am intrigued by the idea of pumpkin waffles. Will have to check into those and make some! Have a wonderful week ahead! <3

  9. Love love love this post. I'd love to take part in Happy Homemaker Monday one time. How does that work?x

  10. Sue, the list is very long, but I hope to have it crossed off (most of it) by Friday.

  11. Rebecca, we love pumpkin pancakes and pumpkin waffles. They are very moist and delicious.

  12. Louise, go up to the top of my post, click on the link to Sandra (click on her name). You will be directed to her blog. You can follow her and every Monday she'll post and you can link up with her. I just use my own photo at the top of the post.

  13. Yummy breakfast. We're at 40 degrees this morning but going back up to 80s. I'm quite tired of it and wish it would just stay Fall weather hahah

    Reading your blog is like reading my own, we do a lot of the same things and enjoy a lot of the same too :)

    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  14. Beautiful sunrise! I love the little caravan decor piece on your porch.

  15. Sandra, I know what you mean about the weather. It's rather chilly now, but it's to heat up again. Sigh...

  16. Pamela, thanks. I love camping and older campers. The kids gifted me about 3 Camper Christmas ornaments, and one lights up. Just love to put campers out. I have a garden stone with a old time camper and a wall sign (welcome) in the house too.

  17. Looks like you accomplished half your to do list before the week even began. Great pictures - love the clothes drying on the line - reminds me of grandma. Have a GREAT week.

  18. Tammy, as of Tuesday, that is everything I accomplished so far. I am crossing it off as the week goes by and I get it done. Thanks.

  19. Such beautiful photos! 43 is cold. We woke up to 50 this morning, seems a good fall morning temp but I know the mornings will be a lot cooler sooner rather than later. Hope your week is going well!

  20. Thanks Jean, so far the week is going pretty well. I'm getting things crossed off that long list now.

  21. Great breakfast...I'm hungry! I find if I have lots of heavy work to do that eggs really fuel me or maybe just protein period. I love your homemaker Mondays. You're getting so much done!

  22. Thanks Sam I Am, Sandra inspires me with the link up for Happy Homemaker, and it helps me stay on track with work.


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