Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday Tidbits

If you think I crossed off my to-do list yesterday (Happy Homemaker Monday post), you are incorrect.  And you are probably happy to see we all can't get everything done in a day, ha ha!

I got half of the carrots dug up.  They are not all the best in size, but there are plenty.  Some are fairly large, so we are happy regardless.  I still have half the row to dig up.  I'll be weighing these this morning.  Most will go into the freezer, considering we do not have a basement, root cellar or other. 

More popcorn was brought in, but

I had to stop before noon due to heat.  It was up to the high 80's but felt like 90's.  I think I quit out there about 11:30am.  I found one popcorn ear eaten (half of it).  It appears the lone wild turkey may have found my popcorn patch.  I'll be pulling the rest of it PDQ this week.  Or that's the plan.  Could be possibly the weekend.

I ran out of clothesline space yesterday too.  I didn't even get my own laundry done.  My deep cleaning (if you want to call it that) was washing all the blankets on the sofa.  It will cool down again soon, so I have another deep clean job that needs started (outside of the kitchen as well).

I didn't even get my foaming hand soap mixed up, that job takes about two or three seconds.  Top of the list today.  However, I will have to make breakfast today.

The breakfast dish leftovers went so quickly, I didn't get any.  Literally.  With only 3 meat eaters in the house, this was gobbled up fast.  I'll try and remember to write down the ingredients to share.

I'm up to walking 1 mile (intentional exercise) a day now, just to test the waters with my leg.  My ankle swelled up by evening, but I put my feet up after a short motorcycle ride (to pick up a few grocery needs).

It's that time of year to let the hennies run free.  I had intentions of letting them out yesterday, while I was out working, but a hawk was visiting.  Maybe today.  It will be another hot day today, and I have that load of carrots to put up anyway.  

The hot peppers most likely will be done this week.  I only brought in one hot banana and one jalapeno pepper.  My habanero plant is loaded however.  I'll pick those later.

As for my future root cellar, it's on the list, but off the list.  First up is the barn rubble, and until it's gone, the root cellar won't move up as we thought.  It's a large "hiccup in the road" to getting things done, but this weekend we shall tackle it again.


  1. Such a great haul of carrots, I do miss not having our vegetable garden. Hopefully our plans will come to fruition and we will have something to harvest next year.

  2. Your carrots are beautiful! A lot of work but so worth it! I'm wanting to plant some fall/winter stuff but it is so hot still. Do you parboil the carrots before freezing? I never had enough to freeze so I never looked into it. Be careful with your leg...you don't want to over do it...you probably walk plenty with all your work that you do. I'm tired today...I think I have energy every other day! LOL!

  3. mamasmercantile, I started with a few tomato plants and one pepper plant, but have always grown the herb garden (added many new ones over the years. I hope you get the chance to grew a few plants soon.

  4. Sam I Am, I peel and slice the carrots, and blanch them in boiling water for 2 minutes, then put them in an ice water bath (and drain) to freeze.

  5. Oh wow Kristina, the carrots look so good! Who cares if they are a little funny looking! I'm sure they will be sweet and delicious, you are very lucky to have that nice harvest! I only did one container and we got one carrot so far lol...but I'm leaving them there for another month or so to see what happens!

  6. Rain, thanks. Homegrown anything can look a bit funny, ha ha!


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