Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Pears ~ Carrot Cake Jam

Pears are about ready to be picked.  Hubby brought in 5 or 6 and some were hard as a rock, so we have time yet to pick them.  Thank goodness.

Two of them were ripe however, so I used one to can carrot cake jam for the first time.  Using our homegrown carrots, a home grown pear, and a few purchased ingredients.  I used this recipe:  Carrot Cake Jam.

It uses the same amount of sugar that most recipes online require, but a mix of white granulated and brown sugar.  I have wanted to try this recipe for years, but put it off.  We didn't get any carrots last year either.  I can't remember why, but we didn't get beets or carrots.  


The jam was made and we tasted it last night.  Oh my!  We tried it on a cracker with cream cheese.  It tastes just like carrot cake.  YUM!!

The first dig of carrots brought in just shy of 10#.  Most went into the freezer.  To freeze, I peel, slice and place into this metal basket (a recycled deep fryer type basket).  I bring a pot of water to boil, lower the metal basket of veggies into the hot water for 2 minutes.  I then remove, and lower the basket (you can simply drop the carrots into the hot water and scoop out with a strainer too) into a large bowl of water and ice for 2 minutes.  I drain them, and freeze them.  

 I used 2 cups shredded for the jam.  There are a few small stragglers that are in the fridge for snacking and whatnot.  I'm so glad I didn't dig the entire row in one day (exhausted from this dig alone).

Until the next dig...


  1. The jam looks great! It must feel good to have all those carrots done and stocked up for the winter!

  2. Rain, all that work exhausted me, and I have to dig more up by the weekend. I'm very thankful for such a harvest too. I'm using carrots in our dinner tonight as well. The jam is out of this world delicious!

  3. How I envy your carrot crop. I did not even try to plant them this year. After six years of no crop, I know when I'm beaten. That jam looks delicious!

  4. The jam looks amazing, not a recipe I have come across before I must give it a go. An amazing carrot harvest.

  5. Thanks Susan. I was hesitant to plant this year, after getting zero last year. They are difficult to work with, due to the range of shapes they grew, but I'm tickled on how many we got. I have more to dig yet.

  6. Thanks mamasmercantile. The jam is amazing. Sweet and delicious.

  7. The jam looks sooo good. I'm going to give it a go. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Sandy

  8. Saundra, you are welcome. I found several online but a fellow blogger shared this one, and it turned out great.

  9. The jam sounds wonderful and thank you for the tips on prepping for freezing....your method is so much easier...I would stand there and fish them out which takes so long! Duh!


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