Monday, September 25, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I'm needing my to-do list public - staying on task today.  Or I hope to, ha ha!

On my breakfast plate. . .
Leftover overnight breakfast casserole.  Mm, mm, good.

The weather. . .
 ...a dewy, foggy start, but now heating up again.

Right now I am. . . 
...heading out to put more laundry on the line

What I am thinking. . .
It's a good day for another motorcycle ride, to unwind at the end of the day.

On my reading pile . . .same books as before (just the way it goes this time of year)

On my TV. . .
not much

On the menu this week. . .
possibly pizza
- have no idea -

On the to-do list today. . .
-chickens, water, feed, bring in eggs
-water houseplants
-laundry, wash and hang outside
-cut out useful coupons
-vacuum floors
-scrub a dub the master toilet
-pull some popcorn, dig some carrots
-label and store recently canned goods
-treat the hens to some garden produce
-deep clean at least 30 minutes
-make handmade foaming soap
-scrub and freeze carrots
-restock ice and gauze bandages (can't wait when I don't have to buy this stuff anymore)
- put canner away (for now)
-wash blankets and hang on line
-check library returns
- more to come I am sure....

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating . . . 
I was blessed with someone who found me yarn to finish one of the baby blankets, so that is top of my list.

Looking around the house. . .'s looking better every day.
From the camera. . .
 Had a very fun motorcycle ride with a group on Sunday.  I'm still taking time to "smell the roses."

Bible verse, quote, devotional. . .
My quote:  Work before play.


  1. We had pizza for dinner tonight, some nights just call for it. What a pretty photo. Looks like such a relaxing place. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Thanks Jean, the location was very relaxing.

  3. Pamela, I didn't get it all done (sigh). I have a ton of carrots I need to preserve now, ha ha. I guess I'll work on the list all week now.

  4. Yes. that Monday list can be a doozy! I think come Monday morning everything comes rushing forward and it really should be a weekly instead of a daily list. Glad you got away for a bike ride and what a pretty place.

  5. Sam I Am, I am so glad I didn't dig the entire row of carrots. I'm exhausted.


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