Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Spider Proofing ~ Fall Garden Harvest ~ Black Dakota Popcorn

I may have "hit" the garden a little too hard yesterday.  I woke up 1 hour later than normal, and woke up moanin' and a groanin'.
The waterproof/bug proof storage bags arrived.  These are not vacuum seal  type bags (never had good luck with them in the past). I am now washing every bed sheet, pillow case and blanket (that is stored in the utility room drawers). 

The weather was perfect to dry it outside early (before the rain) and immediately fold and seal into bags - spider proofing it. Oh, I'm not done with this chore either.  I filled all 3 clotheslines, and have more to wash up and store yet.

I'm tackling more projects, and continue to deep clean the kitchen.  I'm making up for taking the weekend off.

Small projects:
~ started a Christmas tree ornament project, and one is completely finished.  More to make later.  I will share this once we have our family gathering.

~bought a new string of Christmas lights for my wine bottle light.  The lights needed replaced two years ago, and I finally go that done.

Large projects:
~started planting the last variety of garlic

~I have started pulling dead plants from the garden.  Rain arrived, and so I had to stop early.

(first year to have a rodent eating on the beets)

 ~I have brought in the last of the beets.  I have to decide if I want to freeze them, or can them. Hm. 

~I brought a bowl of green peppers and hot peppers.

~I brought in 7 more pie pumpkins (there are more out there).

~ I started pulling the popcorn.  There is more to pull, but isn't dry enough yet.


  1. That's a lot to bring in from the garden. The popcorn is so pretty! I am in that deep cleaning mood too, and need to keep at it before my mood changes. :) I love to see wash hanging on the clothesline.

  2. Wow, what a wonderful harvest. I must admit to been a tad envious but hopefully we will have a garden by this time next year.

  3. Thanks Henny Penny. I use my clothesline year round when I can. Even in winter. We love the popcorn, and this is the 3rd year to grow it. One year we flooded out, but got 3 tiny ears to save to plant the next year.

  4. mamasmercantile, we started out very small with the garden our first year. I used to have 3 more adult kids living at home, so I increased the size, and I deliver food to my 85 year old Dad. It's a fairly good size garden, but lots of work to preserve. I'm canning today and possibly tomorrow, then doing some freezing and then back to the garden.

  5. I haven't hit my cleaning mode yet but you are shaming me into it, lol. Hugs, LJ

  6. Lady Jane, I'm a little early for the season, but I'm itching to get my kitchen back, then I can start back on the rest of the house, ha ha!

  7. Wow! Rewards of beautiful produce for all your hard work! I hope your family appreciates it! Fresh produce like that is a true gift!

  8. You've been very busy. Between work, washing my uniform and then going back to work again, I've been trying to rest my shoulders and arms as much as I can because I'm pretty convinced what I'm dealing with is bursitis, and rest and ice is the best thing for that.
    Remember you're still recovering, and stop to smell the posies often.
    God bless.


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