Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Heat Returns ~ Spiced Pickled Beets ~ Finished Project ~ Tidbits

Morning sunrise this morning.
It will be in the 80's (almost 90's one day) for the next 7 days here.  The humidity for today is forecasted at 92%.  It's too wet to work in the garden today, so I'm inside again, working on all that garden goodness I brought in recently.

Busy. Busy. Busy.

Yesterday I preserved 6 lbs of those delicious beets. 8 pints restocked now.  I have about 2 more pounds to put up yet.

 One daughter was not happy to hear that "the canner pot" was coming back to the kitchen.  It's only temporary, but needs done.  Either way I preserve the beets, they are boiled, peeled and put into an ice bath (canned or frozen) first. 

Although the recipe I use calls for "baby beets" I used the smallest of my Cylindra beets recently picked.  They sliced up in nice small circles for canning.

I tasted these, and oh my gosh, they taste better than the last beets I canned this way.  We may be planting Cylindra beets again next year.  Yum!!!  A bit more on the sweet side I think.

Small Project Finished List:

Glued two pre-made wooden chickens (a deal at $.40/each on clearance and the last ones they had) onto a painted barn wood sign I made.  It most likely is the last one to be made.  Possibly one for the porch and a small one for the front door or kitchen.  I'd love to paint a bunch to sell, but I just have too many "irons in the fire" and you know how it goes.  I have been looking for a motorcycle stencil, a goat and chicken stencil, and there are zero in the craft stores here.

Deep Clean of the Kitchen:  
...spent 30 minutes cracking walnuts that are still on one table (only one bad nut so far), labeled and put more jars in the pantry (more off the table), scrubbed the sink....much, much more to do, but I'm doing it.

 Tiger has been sharing nicely with Jasper.  He slept in the new bed all day, and then Jasper got it all night. Youngest has been failing to do this guy's morning feeding, so Hubby has.  Tiger has a new best friend now.

I gotta get busy, those habaneros are calling me. 


  1. Hi Kristina :) The beets look great, and Tiger is just adorable!

  2. Wow, that was quite an impressive haul of beets pickled ready for those Winter months.

  3. Thanks Rain, Tiger can be a cutie when he wants to be. I am very happy to get the beets we got this year too.

  4. mamasmercantile, 6 lbs is needed for 8 pints, but Hubby can eat an entire jar in one day at work too, ha ha!

  5. You can keep the habaneros but I'll take the beets!!!! I love beets no matter how they're fixed! I needed to read you this morning as I am tired and sluggish and I need to keep going! You always motivate me. It is really hot here...90's all week with dew points in the 70's...yikes!
    I am so ready for Fall...the kind with the cooler temps! It's hotter now than it was this summer...go figure! Your cat is precious and so is your sign! You go girl!

  6. Thank you Sam I Am. I am glad I motivate you. I always feel that my mundane work is boring to other people. 90's?? Yikes. I thought the high 80's was bad for us. Stay cool!

  7. I would love to can beets! It is on my list :)

  8. Sandra, we love them! I may even buy more at the local farmer's market, if I can find organic. I have plenty frozen, but would like more canned spiced ones.


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