Monday, September 18, 2017

Blog Hiatus?

I'm suffering from blog-brain.  I can't think to write much of anything lately.  It seems to be the same ol' same ol' gardening stuff.  

I can tell you that Hubby and I decided to take an invitation to an overnight bike ride over the weekend.  We left Saturday and came home Sunday. There were 10 motorcycles I think, and the location was a bike fest.  Lots of bikes, lots of people, but small "fest."  A large band was "banned" by the town mayor (or the mayor's husband from what locals told us, saying the music was not appropriate for "family"), and many people didn't go, there were no vendors at the Harley store, and only one downtown - disappointment to those of us who went.  We were lucky to time it right, to hear one good band downtown.  According to locals, it was a pathetic festival turnout.  

We still enjoyed our time away.

When we arrived home, I felt we hadn't been "riding" long enough, we took over for a ride along the river.

We also felt it was our mini-vacation, so we stretched it out as far into the evening as we could.  

Up early today - back to work.  

No photos for this post, which is odd for me.

There has been a lot on my mind lately, and my "to-do" list is a bit overwhelming this morning. What to start first, where to start mind is racing at 6:30am.

I'm gonna need another cup of coffee I think. The school today, has a scheduled 2 hour delay, so I get the pot of coffee all to myself.


  1. I'm right with you in suffering from foggy blog-brain. Time of year? End of a busy season? Don't know but I need a shot of new stuff to share.

    We were going to take our little boat and go explore a lake today, but dang and blast, the weather forecast for a sunny day changed over night and we've got very cool weather and chance of rain. Here's hoping for more nice days for our little adventure before the month is out. Or even some nice days in October.

    Sorry your motorcycle getaway this weekend didn't turn out to be all you thought it would be. At least your time away from home (and that big list we all have!) was good.

  2. I can relate. There is so much to do, your mind sort of stalls. It's interesting, though, how much we love even the most mundane (to you) tidbits! Glad you got away, even for an short time.

  3. Mama Pea, it was nice to get out and clear our heads with the ride.

  4. Susan, thanks. It was nice to get away from that to-do list.

  5. Such a shame your bike weekend wasn't as good as anticipated. I have a long to do list today too.

  6. mamasmercantile, I just read your post (yes,lots on your list, ha ha). I am back at it this week.

  7. Dealing with much the same thing here. Could it be Fall Fever, you know like similar to Spring Fever, I'm wondering?
    God bless.

  8. My problem is doing things that aren't really cleaning the toilets? watering inside and out? knitting the same old pair of socks? Nothing glamorous here! LOL! But I find it interesting when others blog about cleaning and prepping for fall/winter.

  9. Sam, you made me crack up. I am cleaning my bathroom this week - one day at a time, in between canning. Yeah, cleaning isn't glamorous, but we all do it.


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