Friday, September 8, 2017

Pumpkins ~ Prepardedness (a slight start) ~ Pranks!

I had a bit of a delayed start in my day at home yesterday.  I had another follow up at the new doctor.  

Grad daughter drove me, so my leg wouldn't be stressed.  I took along a book I'm trying to finish (that I found tucked away in my night stand).  I'm still reading my fiction book too.

The news?

Spider bite is healing, leg swelling is going down - doctor is very happy.  I don't have to go back for 2 more weeks, but I will be taking up stock with the company who manufacturers gauze and roll gauze (ha ha ha!).  I can exercise too, but have to start slow.  Woo hoo!  On the road to recovery!!

I ended up home after lunch time, and well, it left me with the question what to tackle next.  Oh, I have a funny to share (not so funny to me, but to a kid of mine)

I have more tomatoes, but I cannot can sauce related items late in the day, or I'll be up all night long.

I decided to roast all 6 pie pumpkins I recently brought in.  Most people who go through the lengths of cutting these, removing seeds, roasting them and pureeing them, go right back to buying Libby's canned pumpkin. 

I'll admit, I'm tempted to give a few to the kids to decorate, but I do like my freezer stash of pure, homegrown goodness.  No chance of BPA, pesticides, additives, or other. 

 The wee start of winter prep - pair of thermal socks.  Hey, it's a start, and I did say "wee start" ha ha!


To tell you about the "prank" or kid funny as she called it.  After my appointment we stopped at my mother's house to say hello.  Daughter helped her with two jobs, and we chatted.  Mom handed Grad Daughter a plastic spider.  Mom gave her specific instructions on who and when to prank (and it was not me).  I warned them both that if they stuck it in my bed that Hubby would come home to find it shot up with the shotgun.


...back in my kitchen, I scrubbed my pumpkins, and was just finishing taking out the seeds when I went back to my cutting board (where I was using a very large knife), only to be scared out of my britches by that #@*&#!! plastic spider.  She sat it right next to the pumpkin on the cutting board.  Oh, she laughed, and laughed, and even recorded it, with swear words and all, and laughed and laughed and then shared it on instagram (of all places). I'm sure that was a run-on sentence, but Daughter better be running the next time she pranks me with that %&*#! spider.


  1. I do a lot of pumpkin too - so worth it! Glad you are healing and can enjoy autumn!

  2. Thank you Debby. I am still trying to find a holistic doctor, but I'm healing up good. I still have to take time to elevate my leg, but I'm so glad it's healing. I have talked to many people who have been bitten by an insect this fall. It's sort of creepy.

  3. Oooh that prank would have got me going...I'm glad to hear you're healing! Your pumpkins sure look nice!

  4. Rain, she has already pranked me twice. I have a play for pay-back though. Stay tuned, ha ha! Thanks for the compliment on my pumpkins. We got zero last year, so I am tickled I don't have to buy any this year, and I've already saved seeds for next year.


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