Saturday, September 9, 2017

A Bit of Winter Food Prep ~ Dog Shenanigans

Celery freezer cubes have been started for winter food prep.  I do this every fall, so I have ample supply for winter cooking.  It comes in handy for soups/stews, and I don't have to worry about running out in a snow storm to get it. 

I simply dice up the celery, place it into an empty ice tray, add enough water to cover celery, and freeze. 

I pop the celery cubes out, and place them into a freezer container (or freezer storage bag).  I just toss a few into the pan or crock pot when needed.  I read this will be good in the freezer for up to 3 months, but I've had mine up to 6 months and it tasted fine.

I'll freeze another batch next month to last the entire winter/spring.  

Update on the dogs.  I never ever thought they'd be in their puppy stage after 2 years.  However, they can't be left unattended for even a minute.  In our view, they are angels.

Last night?  They took a box of tissues off the table, which I had just bought (one kiddo is sick) and opened.  One of them (or both), took it off the table, and into the living, and tore the box apart.  Tissues are all over my sofa. 


 I guess it's time to go dog toy shopping (again).


  1. Oh my, the old pugs once got into a bag of cotton balls and it was "snowing" in my living room when I got home from work lol. I freeze celery too, but I just cut up a few stalks and freeze them like that. It works pretty well!

  2. Are you able to grow your own celery? I've never had much luck with it. My daughter has about 5-6 plants going this year, but they seem to be mostly leaves and very thin ribs. Any tips?

  3. I didn't know celery could be frozen. What a good idea, I have canned celery and dehydrated celery, but think I would like the frozen as well.

    Dogs - they get you every time! I once had a dog who spent his nights collecting shoes from all the bedrooms. He never chewed them, but morning would find him sleeping inside a circle of shoes. Kids always knew where to find their shoes. :)

  4. Rain, I think the dogs just got upset because the daughter who loves on them by the hour, was out with a friend and stayed over with her. The dogs were sort of "lost" without her attention.

  5. Mama Pea, we grew it one year, but didn't get a good amount. We found you have to put each plant in a round tile or use something similar to put in around it in the ground. We couldn't find the right tiles to put in the around the plants, and we haven't tried it again yet. I would like to though.

  6. Vicki, I like the frozen celery better than the dehydrated. More flavor I think.


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