Thursday, September 7, 2017

This and That ~ Canning

It didn't take long for the recent medical bills to start flowing in (again).  I spent time on the phone taking care of those, so I can pay monthly until they are at reasonable amounts to fully pay off. 

A bit of sad news.  The small quilt shop that I have wanted to take lessons at (and procrastinated for years) is now closing it's doors.  It was very close to home too, and local.  I guess Youtube and I have a date this winter.  The sewing machine sits and waits for me.  Yeah, not happening any day soon due to the last haul of tomatoes.

Lemony Tomato-Basil soup was canned first.  I had very little basil in the herb garden, so I did a mix of parsley and basil this time.

Next, I canned more seasoned tomato sauce.

More tomatoes remain. More need picked.

Bell peppers were chopped and frozen.  Had I not posted this photo on my blog, I would have forgotten that I put them in the freezer to "flash" freeze them first.  Ha ha ha!

I managed to cut several zinnia tops off for next spring. Seed saving continues.

I finally re-planted two herbs outdoors.  A bit late but it warmed up and now we have rain.  Feverfew and one lonely organic seed lavender plant.  The feverfew looks great, but the lavender is struggling.  Hopefully both will acclimate outdoor temps before winter.  I killed my Gotu Kola plant seedling during my illness.

Green tomatoes were picked.  I had very little.

Wednesday I actually got a little bit of housework done while the tomato sauce reduced.  Recovery police will be after me for not sitting and putting my leg up.

Houseplants were watered before I kill any more of them.  Laundry done and put away, bed made.....

...carpets swept, jars labeled and put in the pantry, chickens treated with over-ripe cucumbers, mail brought in and sorted, one table tidied up a tiny bit, and rain arrived so remaining laundry was put on drying racks indoors.

I have a plan for the housework.

We'll see how the cleaning plan goes in a week or two.


  1. This is such a busy time of year - even without all the weather issues and spider bites! Looks like you are keeping (barely) up with it. Speaking of keeping things 'up'.... nudge, nudge... :)

  2. Susan, you are right. Ha ha, I am barely keeping up right now. If I can, I have little energy (or ambition) to tackle other work in the midst of it.


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