Thursday, September 28, 2017

Einkorn Pizza Dough ~ Winner Recipe!

I've been wanting to try the Einkorn pizza dough recipe the entire summer now.  With the canner pot back in the kitchen, I was leary about trying such a recipe on such a busy work day, but I did.  I actually made these the same night of canning the carrot cake jam. I worked on the dough in between freezing the carrots too. 

I had a few garden green bell peppers, some onions,  and of course home canned pizza sauce.  Wa-la!

A homesteader's pizza for dinner.

I added cooked, homemade sausage on the second pizza.  Oh my!  Yum!

My family is so spoiled.  Total goodness.

If you want the recipe for the dough, you can find the recipe here:  Einkorn Pizza Dough  (Jovial's site online, and also on the bag of flour I had).  Also, allow 3 hours for rising time if you are making fresh pizzas.  You can always freeze this after the first (2 hour) rise as well. 

If you grow herbs you can roll that into your dough too - garlic, rosemary, oregano etc.  Yum!  Double Yum!  

I used organic corn meal to dust my pizza pan, and I used my pampered chef stoneware pan to bake them.  They turned out great, and the family raved about the taste. 

My only tip:  oil the rising bowl well, dough will come out sticky to punch down and put into two balls.  I kept the 1/2 cup flour on reserve for this step, and it worked out well. Also for rolling out the dough for the pizza.


  1. Beautiful pizzas! Your family IS totally spoiled!

  2. Thank you Susan. They all loved the pizza and the crust was pretty easy to make. I'm going to try freezing it next.

  3. I've yet to try the einkorn pizza crust, but now am eager to do so with your great recommendation! I'm in a baking and cooking mood now that our weather has finally turned cooler and I don't hesitate turning on the oven!

  4. Indeed your family are spoilt but certainly blessed to have someone as skilled in the kitchen as you. Those pizzas look amazing.

  5. Mama Pea, I rolled ours to about 13-14 inches and it wasn't super thin, but just enough crust for a good pizza. You can roll them smaller for a thicker dough too. Just total goodness.

  6. mamasmercantile, for years I avoided anything that required rising dough. I was just simply intimidated by the thought of messing it up. Now I am trying all sorts of baking with yeast/dough etc.

  7. Now I have to have pizza! These look great!

  8. Hibiscus House, my husband said he new it would be good when he saw the sauce, veggies and cheese spread all the way to the edges. I do believe I'll be whipping up dough to freeze after this weekend.

  9. Your family is blessed indeed to have you and your great healthy and delicious meals. The pizza looks mighty tasty!

  10. Sam I Am, it was very good. Yes, the family is spoiled rotten most days.


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