Monday, September 11, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I am joining up with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, for today's Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather. . .
 ~ sunny, beautiful, high of 72°F.

Right now I am. . .
 ~ taking a break from weeding the front flower beds, considering lunch options, putting more laundry out on the line....

On my Reading Pile. . .
 ~ a pile of old magazines, (non-fiction) Seeds of Deception, and my fiction book "The Bones of Plenty" 

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend. . .
 ~ nothing, spent my time working outside, watching football, and doing handiwork.

On my TV. . .
 ~the news, we finally bought an antenna. 

On the menu for the week. . .
 Monday:  One pot chili mac n' cheese
 Tuesday:  homemade alfredo with peas
 Wed- Sunday - have no idea yet.

On my to-do list. . .
-laundry, washed and out on line
-spend 1 hour weeding flower beds
-spend 1 hour deep cleaning kitchen
-label jars and store them in the pantry
-empty bathroom trash
-pick peppers from garden
-pick black raspberries
-dinner prep
-plant more garlic
-water plants
-put wine labels in wine journal

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating. . .
 ~ lots of projects, but last night I worked on a hand towel that will be up for sale possibly.  Photos to come soon in an update.

Looking around the house. . .
 ~ it's looking much cleaner every day now.

From the camera. . . 
  Jasper - enjoying his new bed, but upset I woke him up from his slumber, ha ha!

One of my simple pleasures. . .
 ~ playing cards with my husband, going camping, and campfire cooking.

Inspirational quote, bible verse. . . 

 Image result for inspirational quotes on happiness


  1. We had an antena that picked up seven channels in the mountains, and now that we are at the coast we have 30! But no abc, which is unfortunate :( But yes, we watch a lot of news, and public broadcasted kids cartoons lol! But its better than paying for satellite anyday!
    You have a beautiful kitty! I think our kittens beds may be softer than the ones we sleep in, lol!
    Have a great week!

  2. Stacy D, thanks for visiting my blog today. Yes, it is way less expensive to ditch our cable service. They had raised rates to $180/month and internet only is $64.99/month. It's crazy! It felt good to see the news, because we have family down in FL and GA. Jasper is a cutie and a lover. Thanks. I hope your week is grand too.

  3. Aw, what a pretty cat! Love your quote for this week. It's a good one to remember. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Thanks Jean, I hope you have an awesome week too.


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