Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Deep Clean ~ Peppers ~ Wine Journal

Although canning is not over for me, the kitchen deep clean project continues.  

Everything is being removed from counter tops, disinfected, re-organized, purged, things put back where they belong (recipes removed from the fridge and filed once again), drawers cleaned out, doors wiped down, windows cleaned, light fixtures cleaned, curtains washed, baseboards scrubbed......the whole sha-bang.

Just a wee little bit every day.

Every day chores still get done too.  It's been a good week for drying everything outside.  Our bedroom smelled sooooo good last night.

Peppers were picked.  Once again, my bell peppers are only have the size they should be.

Front flower beds continue to get a face lift, and my resident snake continues to scare the living pants off me.  Even though I had him removed he came back.  I beat on the rocks with my garden tool, to make sure he was gone the next day I went out, and sure enough after an hour he made his appearance (twice).  I decided to quit and change jobs at that point. 

 Two wine labels finally made their way off the bottles that were hanging out in my kitchen.  I use a wine label remover to peel it off, and simply stick it to paper or card stock to put into my wine journal.  I have to admit, the Sledgehammer (although not organic) was good.  I received a bottle at my birthday party shin-dig.

We have fog this early cold, brisk morning.  It's 55°F, although it's warmer than yesterday's 45°F morning.  We are warming up again, and up to the 80's this weekend.  Rain is due tomorrow, so I am high-tailing it to the garden vs. the flower beds first thing today.


  1. Your peppers may be small, but the pictures are lovely. The smaller ones left after I picked and made my first batch of stuffed green peppers aren't sizing up as fast as I want them to. Gotta do a put-on-size dance for them today maybe! I want more in the freezer than the thirteen servings I have so far.

    Don't know how you manage to do deep cleaning at the same time you're preserving and canning the harvest. I'm not that talented! ;o)

    Our temps are back up a smidge higher this week also with rain predicted later this week. So I'll be working outside as much as possible before then.

    Have a good rest of your week!

  2. Mama Pea, I use a timer to deep clean. I set it for 1 hour (or less) and leave it to that amount. I have had good restraint in not going over the timer limit too. I feel much less guilty at the end of the day, but it's still a huge messy kitchen, ha ha! I am jealous of your 13 servings. I have zero stuffed peppers. I'm planning on checking around for any last produce stand peppers next week.

  3. We're having a summery week here too, I'm really happy to say. Your fog photo is really gorgeous. Oh I wish my peppers grew this year, yours look fabulous!! I have a wine label lifter too and a wine journal! :) It goes well with the cheese making I think. Though wine drinking really has slowed down since we're in savings mode for a mortgage! One day I'll beef up that hobby again! :)

    I'm dreading the deep cleaning season...but it's almost here for me. I usually start when the weather gets cold and rainy. With the 6 pets in the house, it really needs it every season.

  4. Rain, I saw the sun rising in the fog, and ran for my camera - just beautiful! We don't drink wine often. Over summer Hubby prefers a cold beer after a long outdoor work day. Once in a while I will go to a winery about 3 hours from home, and pick up some for the winter months. This year not so. I too love to start deep cleaning when it's colder out, but then I start freaking out if my winter (outdoor) prep is not getting done too.

  5. You are very inspiring... I need to clean my kitchen big time. Oh the smell of the fresh outdoors when you dry outside. Hugs, LJ

  6. Lady Jane, I have one daughter he refuses to hang her clothes outside due to large ants on the line this year. She hangs them indoors. I just give them a good shake and it's all good, ha ha!


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