Monday, September 11, 2017

Random Tidbits

I dug up a few potatoes for more meals, and dug up one sweet potato slip to check on it.

 They are not really big just yet.  We'll let them sit in the ground for another 3-4 weeks (or more) before digging up more.  These delicious two, will be going into a breakfast I think.

Deep clean continues in the kitchen.   I have even started to wash all my flour/sugar/coffee etc containers.  Sugar has now been washed and sanitized for the winter.

And while I am deep cleaning the kitchen, the flower beds are being reclaimed as well.  I'm using a timer, so I can do a bit of both and feel good at the end of the day.

This lower front bed, took me 1 hour to clean out.  That's all my leg could take, but I am so glad to get it started and looking nice again. You can't see it from the photo, but there are beautiful blooming marigolds in it it.  My fall mums (in the lower half, two to be exact) died over last winter.  I'll be replanting next fall.  This fall, I have enough work to do. Upper half is wider and is next, followed by the side of the porch and then more and more....and more.....

 More garlic is being sorted for more planting and dehydrating.

There are those who understand why I homestead and believe in self-sufficiency (and herbs and natural remedies), and those who could care less.  For those who understand....

 ...I read this in my current non-fiction book the other day.  Two drugs are listed about mid-way through the photo, and one is Flagyl.  It is a drug they insisted I take back in December, and again this past time I was sick.  It states, "were correlated with cancer in test animals" yet it passed all FDA approvals to be given to humans.

Speaking of drugs, I found a holistic doctor (or close to one) and plan to make an appointment there as well.  I want to talk to them and see if they are something I could use if needed.  I don't want to get into a business that promotes a brand of pills etc.  I just want a holistic/natural doctor. 

If you have been wondering....our "nuisance neighbor" is back at it again.  He's attempting to make his mud park a "commercial business" now.   That's not going to happen - not next to our residential home. Our home...where we rest our heads day and night, enjoy our lives, and live daily...not happening...

 Last night we came home from a motorcycle ride and found him in plowing a "road" through the corn field adjacent and south of our property.  There are trees and brush along our property that hide and block off the field. Not so much any more.  You could see him, and at least one other person clearing it, so they can ride full size vehicles through it and into the woods behind our home.  They came down to make the road, right after we passed his house on the Harley earlier in the afternoon.  The kids were home and saw it going on.  We are pretty sure that piece of land was sold to the new farmer too, so we are still scratching our heads, but alert.

Yeah, and on top of the vehicle they had out there, were wooden stakes with florescent tape tied to the top - the type a survey crew would use (most likely staking them to make it look like he hired a professional when he didn't because that's how he works - he deals dirty). Karma.  All I can say is Karma. It typically comes back at him in full force too.

...and I was right about his "formal apology" to our family for what he did last year and all the previous 3 years of trying to run us off our property.  He lied. Just like I told Hubby.  He fails at everything he does, so I'll update you if anything else happens.


  1. What a sleazeball! As you said, Karma always gets them. Let's hope it gets him for good this time! You made incredible headway on weeding your bed - I wish I could say the same.

  2. Susan, I was so happy when I finished that lower flower bed. Hubby said our house was starting to look bad, ha ha, so I had to do something. Oh what a mess it is though. Yeah, Karma always bites that idiot in the rear.


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