Sunday, September 17, 2017

Flower Bed Resident (s)

In between all my other work, I am reclaiming the flower beds, and each time I make my weed piles a bit higher (or more of them).

One day I decided to go rake them into one large pile and guess who greeted me under one of them?
Made you look, didn't I? Ha ha!

 Meet Mom snake and one of her 4 babies.  Yes, I said 4.  They are non-venoumous, and very useful for pest control, but oh my gosh, they can scare the livin' pants off me.

 This is their home.  Smack dab next to the rock border around my very front flower bed, and where I typical get down on my knees to weed.  Sigh...I digress.  

I have put the weed pile back to draw them all out again, and safely and kindly, re-home them.  However, they are still there.   I just haven't had a moment where Hubby, aka "snake catcher" can move them for me.

Yes, I know they eat grasshoppers, moths and crickets, but not so often will they eat a field mouse.  Mostly insects. 

They'll just have to dine elsewhere now.  They did their job all summer, but now they must take a hike.


  1. Oh, nothing scares me like uncovering, or walking up on a snake. We let them go unless it is a big rat snake in the chicken house...eating the eggs. I walked in the chicken house one day to gather the eggs, and there were two of them. Gives me goosebumps!

  2. You are much more brave than me. I am afraid that the sight of a snake, poisonous or not, sends me running in the other direction, screaming like a little girl. My mind tells me they do good, eating bugs and small pests, but I still don't want to be anywhere near them.

  3. Henny Penny, I just let them go too, but this one is right where I weed my flower bed. It gives me the creeps knowing there is an entire family there where I work, ha ha! I would hate to go in the coop and find a snake like you do you in your area.

  4. Vicki, I was screaming one day too, and my 18 year-old came running out the door and Hubby came running from the driveway. He chased it off that day, but it was the Mom and she came back. Urgh.

  5. Not nice to slip that picture of those slithery creatures in before I had any warning! The discovery of the snakes would have put a quick end to my work on the flower beds. (((Shudder)))

  6. Mama Pea, ha ha! They are all still there, and Mom snake has shed her skin too. I am waiting for my snake catching husband to kindly move them. So for now, I have abandoned the flower bed clean up, ha ha!


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