Friday, September 15, 2017

Tidbits ~ Muscle Rub Updates

I'm up bright and early, and even have my all day nutrient packed tea infusion brewing.  I do however, have to go dig through the garage to find myself a new 5 gallon bucket.  

I started to make a bucket of homemade laundry detergent (saves us a ton of money and saves us from chemicals), but the old bucket gave way.  After about 7-8 years of using it, it cracked in the bottom.  So that's first thing on my list to-do list, so I can get some laundry done.

Recipe I use is on my blog: here

Christmas mojo has returned early.  Don't worry, I just put up some fall-ish decor on the cover of my bread box.  That's about it for fall for me though.  Other than pumpkins on the porch soon.

 I'm working on a new ornament right now (in the few free seconds I have).  I've already ordered a new item for my master bath too.  Two years have gone by, and I've not gotten my white tree up.  Even after Hubby went out of his way last winter to buy a new color of ornaments for me.

Hubby and I took off on a motorcycle ride last night to clear our heads of any stress/worry/tension.  We checked out the gauze at the dollar store.  I wasn't impressed - sold by the roll, smaller and less on the roll.    I'm hoping I can downsize my bandage and not have to use an entire roll of gauze (day and night) soon.

Here's the scoop on the muscle rub....

There are many muscle rub recipes out there - in books, online, forums, etc.

I have arnica making a slow and pitiful attempt at growing in a pot, and so far, the seedlings I put outside have been drowned by the recent rain.  Not sure I'll get arnica this season.  Is arnica a "finicky" herb to grow?  Maybe it just doesn't like our climate this year? 

Feverfew, on the other hand is flourishing, even though I just planted it outdoors not long ago.  It definitely likes it's new pot.

Anyway, I made a muscle rub with what I had, and adapted a recipe.  So far it works great, but I do feel that arnica to a muscle rub would be a huge benefit.

Here is how I made mine (using all organic ingredients):

1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 homemade calendula oil (you could simply use olive oil)
1/4 cup grated beeswax

Melt these two together, by using a double boiler, or placing a heat safe container into a pan with a few inches of water.  Heat gently to melt.

Remove from heat, stir in:

1 tsp. ground cayenne powder
1 tsp. ground ginger 

Note:  these can be double if preferred.  I used one each to make sure it would not be a mess when used.  I used my homemade calendula oil, because I had it on hand, it's made with olive oil, and it reduces pain and swelling when applied topically.


15 drops peppermint essential oil
15 drops lavender essential oil

Pour into tins, or glass containers and allow to cool completely.

Note:  I used recycled baby food jars, because they were available to me.  Tins would would great too, because it is a bit on the stiff side to get out of the container on cool days.  On warmer days the rub is much easier to use.

I'll be back to share updates when I adapt this recipe with arnica. 


  1. Too bad about the Arnica. That would be a very handy herb to have around, here too...I am going through the gel quickly and it's so expensive.

  2. Rain, I will try planting arnica again next spring, but start it much earlier in the season.

  3. Some days my bones just ache... I need to try this. Thanks. Hugs, lj

  4. Lady Jane, I can't wait to try it with arnica. You are welcome. Have a nice weekend!

  5. Hello
    Have you tried a combination of Arnica ,Rhus. Tox. and Ruta grav, as a rub ? I and my husband both find them very useful for rheumatism/ arthritis pains and of course any fall. I have had a full knee replacement 10 days ago and have been also treating my whole leg and foot, I have managed to avoid most of the painkiller drugs they give you, as a result.there is almond oil in the mixture, which helps it stay softer.
    I havnt tried growing Arnica here yet, but intend trying to grow a number of the endangered herbs. It is such a useful friend.
    love your blog

  6. Thanks for that tip Kathy. I do make rubs and other homemade items with almond oil. Thanks for stopping in!


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